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For the Record


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For the record I want to note that any posts I make on the forum is solely my opinion and is in no way endorsed or agreed with by other empires in the League of non Aligned Worlds (LNAW).


Most of the league would prefer if I remained silent and not said anything, however clearly thats not my style :}


Anyway while my empires are soon to fall, I do not wish harm to come to those who are connected with me through association. I hope they get to still enjoy playing Super Nova with the empires they have worked so hard to build.

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For the record I want to note that any posts I make on the forum is solely my opinion and is in no way endorsed or agreed with by other empires in the League of non Aligned Worlds (LNAW).


Most of the league would prefer if I remained silent and not said anything, however clearly thats not my style :}


Anyway while my empires are soon to fall, I do not wish harm to come to those who are connected with me through association. I hope they get to still enjoy playing Super Nova with the empires they have worked so hard to build.


Oh no worries, I have already negotiated borders with two of your allies in LNAW. No problem there.

Not even with the one from Scott declaring a system through a one-way close to his home. But there is enough space to explore, so why quarrel of this.


Yeah babbeling on the forums seems to be your strong skill :rolleyes:


And that the LNAW was save was clear to them from the start, as I told you and them, that this was just between you and me.

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For the record I want to note that any posts I make on the forum is solely my opinion and is in no way endorsed or agreed with by other empires in the League of non Aligned Worlds (LNAW).


Most of the league would prefer if I remained silent and not said anything, however clearly thats not my style :}


Anyway while my empires are soon to fall, I do not wish harm to come to those who are connected with me through association. I hope they get to still enjoy playing Super Nova with the empires they have worked so hard to build.


Oh no worries, I have already negotiated borders with two of your allies in LNAW. No problem there.

Not even with the one from Scott declaring a system through a one-way close to his home. But there is enough space to explore, so why quarrel of this.


Yeah babbeling on the forums seems to be your strong skill ;)


And that the LNAW was save was clear to them from the start, as I told you and them, that this was just between you and me.



I will believe it when I see it! For there sake I hope what you have posted just now is true, so much isnt its hard to know...

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