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July 2012 Processing Notes


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Hi Guys,


A long-range heads up for July...


I'm getting married on the 7th :D and will out of touch from the 8th until the 15th on my honeymoon :wub: . It's very rare for me to be away long enough to disrupt Victory! processing so this isn't something we have to deal with very often - the last time we had a disruption was a hardware related one...can't remember ever taking a week off on purpose before ;) The mechanics of Victory! make those processing days missed while I'm gone ones that I have to make up somehow so a plan is needed. I think it is best if the Victory! hardware stays in one place and we just wait for me to come back rather than having me transport equipment and get Pete up to speed on Victory! for just one weeks worth of processing. Fewer chances of hardware issues and/or processing errors.


The last time there was a processing day disruption I spread out the catchup processing over several weeks and, although it seemed to work ok, I think it just prolonged the game disruption and processing day confusion so my thought this time is to condense it to reduce that disruption/confusion to fewer days.


My plan at this point is as follows:


Before I leave I'll condense things a little (to avoid working on my wedding day)


On Thursday, July 5th - I'll run turns for the July 4th processing day

On Friday, July 6th - Turns for the July 5th and July 6th processing days run


From July 7th to July 15th I'll be out of touch


On July 16th (a Monday) I'll be back and I'll run turns for July 7th and July 8th.


Tuesday (July 17th) - process for July 9th and July 10th


Wednesday (July 18th) - process for July 11th and July 12th


Thursday (July 19th) - process for July 13th


Friday (July 20th) - process for July 14th and July 15th


Saturday (July 21st) - process for July 16th and July 17th


Sunday (July 22nd) - process for July 18th and July 19th


Monday (July 23rd) - process for July 20th


Tuesday (July 24th) - Back to the normal schedule, processing for July 21st and 22nd (Sat/Sun).


This will get us back to normal fast but the July 7th - July 20th processing days will be compressed into about a week instead of the normal two weeks so it will be tougher to coordinate with TAs for folks processing during that time frame. My hopes is that with plenty of advance notice to plan accordingly that won't be a huge issue.


In any event, think it over and let me know what you think by email. I'd like to catch up faster rather than slower but this plan isn't set in stone


Good gaming!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Bump as a reminder


The response has been generally favorable to this plan so this is what we'll go with. Nobody like disruptions but this will get it past it and caught up pretty fast.


I promise this will be the only wedding for me so no more wedding delays :P



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  • 3 weeks later...

Bump as a reminder


Things start to change this coming Thursday (processing for Wed the 4th) then on Friday (processing for Thurs/Fri - 5th and 6th) so be aware of the schedule change.


Thanks again to everyone for their good wishes and congratulations! :cheers:



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