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Rolling Thunder Forums

Special Game Proposal


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Hi Guys,


We've got some interest in a proposal for a special game variant that we've never tried before - a game with no Total Allies. The game would start on TP 1 as usual and no other changes are involved although a game without Total Allies does affect a number of orders (cedes, intelligence sharing, etc.). Any PAP order for a TA agreement would just not be allowed.


Players could still have alliances and non-aggression pacts as usual but playing without the usual TA structure should present quite a challenge for everyone - veteran players included. Hopefully we can get enough interest to give this one a try. I'd be very interested to see how this game develops and plays out and how players cope with and adjust to the challenges of it.


If you are interested, please send me a registration note to sign up and we'll see if we can get enough interest to give this variant a try :)


Good gaming!


Russ :alien2:

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Game Start Update


The no-TA special variant game is about 20% of the way to the start point so interest has been good. The game should be an interesting challenge so if you haven't signed up already get a registration in to me and I'll get you on the list!


Good gaming!



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