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Game 96 No-TA Pre-Start Release News


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Hi Guys,


The no-TA special game is in the process of setting up and initial results will be going out tomorrow (late afternoon/early evening).


There are half a dozen nations currently available and I'm going to make a note of them now (before the setups go out, strategy sessions get into full swing and any potential nation swapping takes place).









Hopefully this list will entice a few more recruits into the game - if you are not already in and want to play a specific nation on this list here is a great chance to get that nation and jump into a starting game with no wait :thumbsup:


This no-TA special game variant does not allow for the formation of Total Alliances and starting morale is going to be doubled to 300. Alliances will still be present of course but without TA agreements there is no shared intelligence reports and no ceding of territory so it will interesting to see how player strategies develop in this one.


If you are not already in the game (nobody that was on the signup list has been bumped out of the game btw) and want to jump in with one of the available nations listed then please let me know as soon as possible. List all the nations you'd be willing to play (with tech options) - the nations go on a first-come basis so the list could change quickly.


Best of luck to all!




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