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Game 99 Starting


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:cheers: The Game 99 setup results have gone out so those of you in the game should have them now :cheers:


The first turn is eligible on April 14th but note that I normally backdate all first turns to Day 1 of the first turn cycle since the production multiple doesn't go into effect until the second turn cycle. So, if you need a little extra time on the first turn that's ok, you can get in a little late and still have your turn processed with a Day 1 processing date. Remember that Game 99 is a 14-day interval game (affects production multiple calculations for later turns).


Important Note: Check your privacy option and contact info (for RNA purposes) on your results and let me know if there are any changes that need to be made before the first turns start to process. Also check your tech selection and make sure it is correct - I can change it before the game starts but once turns start to process that's the end of tech changes.


Game 99 is now full :thumbsup:


It is possible that one or more additional nations may become available if we get some early drops and/or position exchanges. If so I'll post a note here to see if we can fill them with active players. Once a game has reached tech period 3 the nations are set and the only way to get into that game is via a position transfer or by being nominated to take over for a Total Ally that has dropped for some reason.


We are accepting registrations for Game 100 now as well so if you are interested in getting registered for it just let me know and I'll get you on the list. At the moment Game 100 is slated to be a regular game but that could change if we get enough interest in another no-TA special variant game.


Best of luck to everyone!! :cheers:



Edited by RTGRuss
Nation availability change
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