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Anybody Have Any ANZ On This Items


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Does have any anz on this item and what some do :

Hedgehog Gravedigger Tank,Badger Tunneler Tank,Tethys Medium Range Sonar    Acoustic Mine

This here i would like to what there name is ,Advanced Heavy PPC      ,Advanced PPC,      Heavy PPC,


Thank You



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ANZ: Hedgehog Gravedigger Tank
Hedgehog Gravedigger Tank: The Hedgehog boasts considerable improvements in firepower and armo over the other subterranean tank models, and continues in the tradition of tunneling tanks designed exclusively to provide heavy armored firepower against subterranean enemy targets. Armed with high explosive shells and a massive drilling rig attached to its front, the Hedgehog can make impressive progress against any dug-in position. In extremis, Hedgehogs are used to plow through buildings, walls, fortified bunkers or just about any hardened position. After blowing through the outer defenses, the Hedgehog lets loose with a hail of gunfire and often leads the charge for more conventional infantry forces. The presence of tunneling tanks of any kind can strike fear in the hearts (assuming they have any) of an unprepared enemy and cause their eyestalks to
quiver in trepidation at the rumbling approach of the Hedgehogs. This tank represents the culmination of tunneling tank technology.
Classification: Ground Combat
This Item cannot be manufactured, and is either a ground
combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other technologies
Prerequisite Technologies: XXXXX
Armor Strength: Impressive [6000]
Broken Terrain Strength: Impressive [2000]
Subterranean Terrain Strength: Impressive [19000]


ANZ: Badger Tunneler Tank
Badger Tunneler Tank: The Badger is a basically an upgrade to the old Mole, with improvements in firepower and
armor. It's a tunneling tank designed exclusively to provide heavy armored firepower against subterranean enemy targets. Armed with high explosive shells and a
massive drilling rig attached to its front, the Badger can make impressive progress against any dug-in position. In extremis, Badgers are used to plow through buildings, walls, fortified bunkers or just about any hardened position. After blowing through the outer defenses, the Tunneler lets loose with a hail of gunfire and often leads the charge for more conventional infantry forces. The presence of tunneling tanks of any kind can strike fear in the hearts (assuming they have any) of an unprepared enemy and cause their eyestalks to quiver in trepidation at the rumbling approach of the Badgers.
Classification: Ground Combat
This Item cannot be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a
prerequisite for other technologies
Prerequisite Technologies: XXXXX
Armor Strength: Superior [2000]
Broken Terrain Strength: Superior [750]
Subterranean Terrain Strength: Superior [6000]



ANZ: Tethys Medium Range Sonar: The Tethys Sonar system is used to gather intelligence on enemy force movements during
ground combat situations. It is specially designed for use in aquatic environments but
can be modified for surface work in extreme need."
Classification: Ground Combat
This Item cannot be manufactured, and is either a ground combat upgrade or a prerequisite for other technologies
Prerequisite Technologies: XXXXX
Intelligence Strength: Fair [300]

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