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Returning to the GSL

The Colony

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Boo Consulate (and Lord Valwym and Company)..


We were wondering if the clauses on length of departure from the GSL as specified in the Charter were still in effect. If this is the case we believe we might still be elligible for maintaining our membership and rescinding our resignation.


Could we get clarification on this before we are gobbled up by pirates?


best wishes...






Tortured Mandible Ant, Speaker for the Queen Mother, as spoken on Banshee this day.

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why am i involved in this....Jack Crow was and is not part of the GSL....Check you records senor Shadow...

Mayhaps, if I follow this mess properly, it would seem that someone wants to have his cake and eat it to, while the other half of the equation seems to object to being played.


Having multiple positions, some within a given alliance and some not, would be leave the door open to abuses. Given your behavior, as evidenced on this board, you track record for ethical behavior is somewhat less than stellar, no pun intended.

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why am i involved in this....Jack Crow was and is not part of the GSL....Check you records senor Shadow...

Our records are fine, Mssr. Crow.


The quote from the Colony was:

Could we get clarification on this before we are gobbled up by pirates?


You, sir, are the most vocal of the Pirate bands. Thus I was inquiring from the Colony whether it was your band that the Queen Mother was concerned about being gobbled up by. If this was indeed the case, she should have no fear of you because (to date) you have only clashed with members of the GSL and an apparently abandoned Empire.


The fact that you thought I was implying that the person posting as the Colony is the same person who posts as Jack Crow is no fault of mine. However, they do seem to know a little bit about The Colony, it's homeworld and that it was a former member of the GSL. :blink: Most interesting ... this individual even went so far as to use your trademark Lord Valwyn slurr, Lord Valwym.


Curiouser and curiouser ...


-SK :)

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You, sir, are the most vocal of the Pirate bands. Thus I was inquiring from the Colony whether it was your band that the Queen Mother was concerned about being gobbled up by. If this was indeed the case, she should have no fear of you because (to date) you have only clashed with members of the GSL and an apparently abandoned Empire.


The fact that you thought I was implying that the person posting as the Colony is the same person who posts as Jack Crow is no fault of mine. However, they do seem to know a little bit about The Colony, it's homeworld and that it was a former member of the GSL. :blink: Most interesting ... this individual even went so far as to use your trademark Lord Valwyn slurr, Lord Valwym.


Curiouser and curiouser ...


-SK :)

Given what I have read of this Martin's behavior, it would seem to me that this is, at best, a ham-handed attempt on his part to either set up the GSL for another one of his rants / pranks or else an equally ham-handed attempt to insert a mole, say, CaoCao, into the GSL.


Kinda make ya wanna ask if his mother knows he's on her computer.

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