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Skipping techs

Octus Imperium

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Just got the Medical advance that allows Field Hospital Mk II. Was a little surprised that this did not require Mk I version, but this now generates a question. Any thoughts about the disadvantages of NOT reserach the Mk I flavor and just skipping to Mk II? Perhaps Mk I is required for something, but somewhat skeptical about that point.


Although not exactly the same issue, what about opting for Mk I Fusion engines and skipping Mk III Nuclear engines? Obviously, more potential missed advances by not going to nuc III. And there is the speed to research issue. Any thoughts would be of interest.


Octus Imperium :D

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Just got the Medical advance that allows Field Hospital Mk II. Was a little surprised that this did not require Mk I version, but this now generates a question. Any thoughts about the disadvantages of NOT reserach the Mk I flavor and just skipping to Mk II?


You may be "allowed" the advance of Mk II Field Hospital, but I'm sure for you to get there you're going to have to research Mk I Field Hospital.


Although not exactly the same issue, what about opting for Mk I Fusion engines and skipping Mk III Nuclear engines? Obviously, more potential missed advances by not going to nuc III. And there is the speed to research issue. Any thoughts would be of interest.


IMOH, its all a matter of choice here. Sure you can opt for Mk Fusion Engines instead of Mk III Nuc. Eng., but who knows what you'll miss out, or if you may need it down the line to research some other item. Speed to research is also a matter of choice. How long are you willing to wait? If I think I'm going to get something significant out of it, sure I'll go for it and wait.

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Actually Octus is correct, under researchable items I also have the choice of Mk I Field Hospital or Mk II Field Hospital. The prerequisites for Mk II Field Hospital did not include the Mk I Field Hospital.

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Yes you can research MK II FH without researching MK I.


Why would you want to?

1) MK I FH is only 3 turns to research

2) Because they are additive for ground combat bonuses.

Are you saying Mk I and Mk II FH are additive? That having both is better than having only Mk II? Of course, having that RC researching something else for 3 turns (instead of FH Mk I) may be better than the addition of the Mk I to the Mk II.


Decisions, decisions.....


Octus :D

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I think we need to realize that there's a certain 'fog factor' which seems to be built into the tech tree. In my opinion, we're simply not meant to understand how it all fits together. Kind of what puts the 're' into research.


I have heard through the grapvine that the Nuclear engines plateau for a time, somewhere after Mk VII or so, while the fusion engines keep going. There have been rumors that it's the fusion path which might open the way to antimatter engines, but as far as I know this has yet to be seen.


But once again, who knows? We might get a breakthough which allows us to research Mk I Instant Transmission engines, only to discover that they require Mk VII Nuclear Engines to build!



It will help keep the game fresh.



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Just got the Medical advance that allows Field Hospital Mk II. Was a little surprised that this did not require Mk I version, but this now generates a question. Any thoughts about the disadvantages of NOT reserach the Mk I flavor and just skipping to Mk II?

Unlike ship systems, ground tech advances all contribute to your overall ground force power.




If you research Mk II Short Range Sensors and then Mk III Short Range Sensors, the Mk II SRS's are obsolete. Not so with ground tech. As mentioned in a previous article, ALL ground tech contributes, so nothing ever becomes truly obsolescent.


Hope this helps.


The Heavy Maser Rifle-equipped Rathe Federation. :D

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Back in December I noticed the Mk I/Mk II Field Hospital anomaly, and asked RTG about it. Pete replied "Field Hospitals are unusual in that you don't have to research Mk I to get to Mk II. However, if you do complete research on both, they do stack their benefits for army TAC purposes."


I hope this helps to clarify the situation definitively!



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I've done quite a bit with the ground tech. Here is how it works (and why you do not need MK I Field Hospital)


TAC VALUE * ((Poor Tech x 10)+(Fair Tech x 30)+ (Average TECH x100)) etc...


So Small Arms for a unit




30*(9x10)+(1x30) etc..


You start with a bunch of poor and can research Fair and on up.


Do the TACs...Buy the units..build the spreadsheet :-)


Poor =

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Back in December I noticed the Mk I/Mk II Field Hospital anomaly, and asked RTG about it. Pete replied "Field Hospitals are unusual in that you don't have to research Mk I to get to Mk II. However, if you do complete research on both, they do stack their benefits for army TAC purposes."


I hope this helps to clarify the situation definitively!



Just what I was looking for.


However, if my generals get wounded, they're going to a Mk II even if a Mk I is close by.....



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I've done quite a bit with the ground tech. Here is how it works (and why you do not need MK I Field Hospital)


TAC VALUE * ((Poor Tech x 10)+(Fair Tech x 30)+ (Average TECH x100)) etc...


So Small Arms for a unit




30*(9x10)+(1x30) etc..


You start with a bunch of poor and can research Fair and on up.


Do the TACs...Buy the units..build the spreadsheet :-)


Poor =

Is the implication here that NOT having Mk I FH but having Mk II's will generate a better result than having both? That is contrary to what someone else was told by our RTG Masters of the Universe.....



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