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Email Contact


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I'm having trouble reaching a player via email - the player in question has requested a resend of his database files (indicating that the PDFs came through) but my emails are getting bounced now (with and without attachments) and I can't identify a board ID for the player in question.


I don't want to identify the player here in public without knowing that it is ok with him. Hopefully he will see this post :unsure: If not and you have an ally/friend that is waiting for database resends and is hearing nothing from me - have him contact me (I'm getting his emails) with an alternate email address so I can get his databases out to him.


To the rest of ya'll


If you have an alternate email address that I can use in such situations, a Board ID for me to contact or if you have a specific friend in our database that I can contact if necessary, let me know and I'll includes those notes in our account database in case they are needed in the future. I do know the Board IDs for most of you that have them and, in many cases, know some of your friends but sending me a formal email with the alternate contact notes won't hurt :)


Thanks much,



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