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RN of fleets


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Hi all,


I'm thinking of consolidating my colony ship fleets since I have extra turns with nothing to do...


Anyway, since they are on convoy routes they are already loaded down with colonists and construction materials ready for the outbound trip. So, if I do a RN with a ship loaded with colonists/CM's, will I need to do an OC ALL, then a LC colonists/CM's on the other fleet? Or, will the colonists/CM's go along with the ship?



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If you do OC any colonists, they will immediately be turned into population.


You cannot LC/OC fleet to fleet.


If you transfer all the ships of one fleet into another, then all the possessions will transfer also. If you just transfer some, then what happens is a crapshoot.


Good luck.

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And other cargo is NOT split proportionately


What we believe is supposed to happen is that ships RN'ing from from fleet to another will take ALL that they can - so, full cargo bays, full fuel tanks and full fighter bays/drone racks. The only one you can affect is the amount of Fuel with the SPILT option (as mentioned) which will split the remaining fuel proportionately.


The simple fact is - if you want to control what each fleet has, then it's better to OC everything and LC after the fleets are built....


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric


NB - The Oracle has mentioned that this is one of the most difficult pieces of coding and occasional errors do creep in. Pass on the errors and they can be corrected.

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Ok, thanks.  I'm going to transfer all ships from one fleet to the next, so everything should transfer along with it... :huh:


Everything except any legendary characters which you may have assigned to the fleet :P


Not entirely true....


If the fleet is 'emptied' (ie no ships remain) using the individual detail or the 'ALL' tag, then any legendary characters will go to the receiving fleet as well (no other orders required) - noting that, if multiple RNs, then they'll go with the last one.


A similar thing happens when SCRP'ing - the LC(s) will go to the world if all the ships in the fleet are scrapped.


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric

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Ok, thanks.  I'm going to transfer all ships from one fleet to the next, so everything should transfer along with it... :huh:


Everything except any legendary characters which you may have assigned to the fleet :P


Not entirely true....


If the fleet is 'emptied' (ie no ships remain) using the individual detail or the 'ALL' tag, then any legendary characters will go to the receiving fleet as well (no other orders required) - noting that, if multiple RNs, then they'll go with the last one.


A similar thing happens when SCRP'ing - the LC(s) will go to the world if all the ships in the fleet are scrapped.


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric


What will happen if a ship is going to be scapped but is still on convoy route with cargo?


A ) Will it first do the convoy route and after that it will be scapped or

B ) It will be scrapped at once and will never do the cargo route.

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SCRP takes place real time.


CONV takes place after all regular and standing orders.


Your ship will get scrapped and later the fleet will try and execute the convoy route. Any cargo onboard the ship should be lost if you didn't manually OC it before hand, and this has been the case in my experience.

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Ok, thanks.  I'm going to transfer all ships from one fleet to the next, so everything should transfer along with it... :huh:


Everything except any legendary characters which you may have assigned to the fleet :nuke:


If you use the ALL feature even Legendary Characters get transferred. Pete fix'd the abandoned LCs problem a while back. :P

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