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I'm in the middle of preparing my next turn when I noticed that I have no natural sources of Crystals on my world. However, I read that I can make crystals from Raw Resources but does this mean I don't need Crystal Refineries now? I'm planning to build a small home fleet ASAP and I need crystals to make all the electronic hardware. I just wish to avoid any mistakes that might waste another turn, because my last turn was rather useless. <_<





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I'm in the middle of preparing my next turn when I noticed that I have no natural sources of Crystals on my world. However, I read that I can make crystals from Raw Resources but does this mean I don't need Crystal Refineries now? I'm planning to build a small home fleet ASAP and I need crystals to make all the electronic hardware. I just wish to avoid any mistakes that might waste another turn, because my last turn was rather useless. blush.gif


Neil, if you have no natural source for a resource on your HW you will initially have to use Raw Resources to make them and you will not need to build mines. However, in the case of crystals, they are plentiful on other planets so you should not have a problem securing a source for HW production. In fact if you have other planets in your home system, there is a pretty good chance you will find some there.

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You won't need crystal refineries on your HW unless there is a Crystal deposit. If you DO have deposits, there are some free player provided programs that will help you calculate exactly how many mines of that resource type that you can build.


In your case, you will submit a BI order for crystals (for however many you need) and this will come from raw at a ratio of 1 crystal for 10 raw resources.


So, one stripminer (producing 1000 tons of RR) needs four industrial complexes (take in 250 tons each) and will produce 100 units of crystal.


Since this is unlikely to be the end-product, you will need additional industrial complexes to further refine/combine the end products.


I think the estimate is something like 4.1 to 4.3 industrial complexes per stripmine, but YMMV.


Good luck and welcome to SuperCalc. The spreadsheet of the Stars. :cheers:

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Sorry to hear about the bad first turn :drunk: It happens to MANY of us if its any consulation.


You are correct: to build crystals you need to go the RR route and Crystal Refineries are useless for that world.


Your best bet is to look for a world in your system that has a crystal yield and start colonizing.


If you foresee yourself doign a lot of colonizing, invest in developing Mk II Fusion Engines ASAP. Higher APs will increase your colonization efficiency in big ways.


Good luck!

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