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Pete News


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Hi Guys,


Just a note to let you know that Pete has been sick as a dog the last few days :drunk: Picked it up from one of his youngins - those of you with kids know how that goes. He'll be ok - just one of those things that has to run its course.


So...if you are waiting for a response on an email or trying to get him on the phone be advised. Give it a couple more days then follow up and you should be able to get ahold of him when he starts to come out of this.


Take care all,



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Hi Guys,


Just a note to let you know that Pete has been sick as a dog the last few days  :drunk:  Picked it up from one of his youngins - those of you with kids know how that goes.  He'll be ok - just one of those things that has to run its course.


So...if you are waiting for a response on an email or trying to get him on the phone be advised.  Give it a couple more days then follow up and you should be able to get ahold of him when he starts to come out of this.


Take care all,




Please let Pete know he is in our thoughts and we hope he gets healthy soon. :cheers:

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Yes, I frequently have to find a quick road trip to avoid the sick kids.  :drunk:


Those rug rats are terrible bug factories. :cheers: Medical students generally get sick multiple times when on pediatric rotations. Hope Pete is back to 100% soon.




P.S. And thanks for the excellent customer service of keeping us informed. You gents have a habit doing so! Please continue.

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