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Convoy Route change


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In my last turn I noticed that the way my convoy route worked seemed to change. In the past my routes always started at the top of the list of items and worked down. Now they start where they left off from the prior turn. In addition, they seem to be ignoring Excludes. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this.


I have reported it to Pete but have not yet received a reply.

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In my last turn I noticed that the way my convoy route worked seemed to change. In the past my routes always started at the top of the list of items and worked down. Now they start where they left off from the prior turn. In addition, they seem to be ignoring Excludes. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this.


I have reported it to Pete but have not yet received a reply.


Just so I'm not confused, you're actually asking about the Load Cargo [LC] Order? Where before if you had an LC, <PopID>, <FleetID>, ALL in your Convoy Route it would load as much as it could from your Pop Group into your Fleet in alphabetical order, skipping items on the Exclusion list. What you're saying is that this time it did not do that, yes? <_<


I'll check through my Orders. I don't have that many LC ... ALL Orders, though. :o


-SK :santa:

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In my last turn I noticed that the way my convoy route worked seemed to change. In the past my routes always started at the top of the list of items and worked down. Now they start where they left off from the prior turn. In addition, they seem to be ignoring Excludes. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this.


I have reported it to Pete but have not yet received a reply.


Just so I'm not confused, you're actually asking about the Load Cargo [LC] Order? Where before if you had an LC, <PopID>, <FleetID>, ALL in your Convoy Route it would load as much as it could from your Pop Group into your Fleet in alphabetical order, skipping items on the Exclusion list. What you're saying is that this time it did not do that, yes? <_<


I'll check through my Orders. I don't have that many LC ... ALL Orders, though. :o


-SK :santa:



Sorry SK. I was not clear on the point. Yes this is in regards to LC orders inside of Convoy Routes. I did not see this on the other LC orders I had last turn only for the ones inside of convoy routes. Of course there may be some other factor besides being inside of a convoy route that I am unaware of but so far this is the one distinguishing factor I can come up with.

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Sorry SK. I was not clear on the point. Yes this is in regards to LC orders inside of Convoy Routes. I did not see this on the other LC orders I had last turn only for the ones inside of convoy routes. Of course there may be some other factor besides being inside of a convoy route that I am unaware of but so far this is the one distinguishing factor I can come up with.


S'all good. I get confused easily, so I tend to ask for clarification, a lot. <_<


Hopefully, it isn't a major problem and just a 'ghost-in-the-machine' type glitch. :o


Good Luck,

-SK :santa:

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Sorry SK. I was not clear on the point. Yes this is in regards to LC orders inside of Convoy Routes. I did not see this on the other LC orders I had last turn only for the ones inside of convoy routes. Of course there may be some other factor besides being inside of a convoy route that I am unaware of but so far this is the one distinguishing factor I can come up with.


S'all good. I get confused easily, so I tend to ask for clarification, a lot. <_<


Hopefully, it isn't a major problem and just a 'ghost-in-the-machine' type glitch. :o


Good Luck,

-SK :santa:



Well, it will create some production issues. There were also some Exclusions that were ignored causing my colony production to shut down as well so it would be nice to know if there is going to be a change so we can compensate for it.

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Some of my LC ALL orders are bahaving strange. They don't seem to be loading in alphabetical order ay more, rather are taking what I have the most of. Not a terrible problem, but it certainly makes it more difficult to predict what is actually going to be moved when you have lots of stuff.



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Some of my LC ALL orders are bahaving strange.  They don't seem to be loading in alphabetical order ay more, rather are taking what I have the most of.  Not a terrible problem, but it certainly makes it more difficult to predict what is actually going to be moved when you have lots of stuff.


:drunk:  :cheers:



Yup. In addition, I found some of my excluded items on the LC ALL order were picked up. One of them was my processed radioactives that then caused my power plants to fail and in turn shut down my mines. :taz:

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That is kind of bothersome. I'm trying to figure out why my Explorers are having major problems with Warp Points that they used to blow through with ease. A Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor with an Explorer level Explorer should be able to punch through a Class E Warp Point with points to spare. :cheers:


Maybe it's the universe's way of saying that I should stay in my own backyard. :taz: There is always something else to do with my 40 Orders ...


-SK :drunk:

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I as well had some difficulty last turn with Warp Points that should have been easily surveyed.  Sigh...


We have not noticed this to be an issue this last turn cycle. Perhaps bad luck? Every now and then something that happens only one in ten times will occur ten times in a row.


Or it could be those electrons who execute software routines telling us who's REALLY in charge....



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I as well had some difficulty last turn with Warp Points that should have been easily surveyed.  Sigh...


We have not noticed this to be an issue this last turn cycle. Perhaps bad luck? Every now and then something that happens only one in ten times will occur ten times in a row.


Or it could be those electrons who execute software routines telling us who's REALLY in charge....




Perhaps ... no way to know for sure. Not really sure how tough the Warp Points are, nor how much the Explorer is worth, etc. We try. We fail. We issue another set of orders to bring in more ships and better Characters. (Wash. Rinse. Repeat.)


-SK :drunk:

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  • 1 month later...
Bump (Need to know before my next turn)  : Do LC orders inside a convoy route respect global exclude now?


There were no problems with mine last turn:


-- CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS has been excluded from loading by Imperial Cargomasters [global load exclusion list]

200000 Crystals(s) are loaded aboard 903rd Freighter #903 as ordered

-- IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS has been excluded from loading by Imperial Cargomasters [global load exclusion list]

-- PROCESSED RADIOACTIVES has been excluded from loading by Imperial Cargomasters [global load exclusion list]

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They have generally worked for me and last turn was no exception. I have global excludes on lots of stuff, most notibly CM's and last turn I did not move any CM's that weren't suposed to be moved. So to me they look like they are working.


btw - I have lots of convoy routes and they all worked except for the ones that I messed up on my own. :beer:



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