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Does anyone remember the 3 Stooges?

Fifteen turns ago, they were "...masters of all they survey..." to quote a sycophant.

They had conquered Algeria and Tunisia.

They were halfway through Libya towards Egypt and apparently on top of the world.

Their ground forces were everywhere and in considerable strength.

Their air forces were making mincemeat of the Libyan ground and air forces.

Then they declared war on Bulgaria and his group.

Then Persia came into the eqation (against them).

Suddenly, the situation turned nasty.

Persian and Libyan forces destroy about 30 divisions of the 3 Stooges and, suddenly, they are nowhere to be found.

Libya has now been liberated.

Libyan forces have entered Tunisia and Persian forces have entered Algeria and there is no resistance.

The enemy has melted away into the desert.

This is eerily reminiscent of the situation faced by Germany in Operation Barbarossa.

After stunning successes everywhere, the Germans found that the Russian armies had vanished and there was no resistance.

When the German offensive ran out of steam in sight of Moscow, the Germans found out the hard way just where the Russian armies were.

Is this what Persia and Libya are facing as well?

Are the 3 Stooges massing their forces for the defense of Morocco?

Will Persia and Libya bounce off a WALL OF STEEL of 200+ divisions of the 3 Stooges armies?

These and other questions will be answered over the next 6 or 8 turns.

Watch this site!

It will be worth it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It is interesting to see them cave in while Germany, Poland and the rest of the alliance grows stronger. I can't wait to see Portugal beat back Bulgaria's tank invasion. Hmmmm Portual = Sherman tanks Bulgaria = T-34's. I almost feel sorry for Moe.



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  • 1 month later...
Add Austria into the mix.  We have the British on the run in Lowands and France, while Hungary forces the Irish to cry in their beers over in Switzerland and Italy.  We only wish there were more turns left, as such we will not be playing the Battle of Britain this game :oops:





Hi Ted,


I haven't seen any big incursions lateley. Why not put your actions where your keypad is and thrust forward?

Have you seen my tanks lately...? I know you've seen my planes... Don't you just love those new HGA's?


But I'm sure that the T-34 and HA Sherman will meet pretty soon...


Until then.




The sneaky

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Add Austria into the mix.  We have the British on the run in Lowands and France, while Hungary forces the Irish to cry in their beers over in Switzerland and Italy.  We only wish there were more turns left, as such we will not be playing the Battle of Britain this game :jawdrop:





Hi Ted,


I haven't seen any big incursions lateley. Why not put your actions where your keypad is and thrust forward?

Have you seen my tanks lately...? I know you've seen my planes... Don't you just love those new HGA's?


But I'm sure that the T-34 and HA Sherman will meet pretty soon...


Until then.




The sneaky

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Add Austria into the mix.  We have the British on the run in Lowands and France, while Hungary forces the Irish to cry in their beers over in Switzerland and Italy.  We only wish there were more turns left, as such we will not be playing the Battle of Britain this game :jawdrop:





Well, it's official.

The 3 Stooges are no longer.

Only Portugal is battling on.

Persia is racing through Algeria towards Morocco and should enter Figuig in 2 turns.

Libya has liberated Tunisia and is advancing steadily through Algeria, picking up the cream of Algeria's cities and industries along the coast.

It remains to be seen if he will reach Morocco before the game ends.

The hilly and mountainous terrain are against him.

I guess that this means that the previously sold-out screenings of 3 Stooges movies throughout Algeria and Tunisia have been cancelled.

"Such is life", to quote Ned Kelly.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Hi Ted,


I haven't seen any big incursions lateley. Why not put your actions where your keypad is and thrust forward?

Have you seen my tanks lately...? I know you've seen my planes... Don't you just love those new HGA's?


But I'm sure that the T-34 and HA Sherman will meet pretty soon...


Until then.




The sneaky


Well lets see... losing all of Switzerland, Lowands, most of Italy, and parts of France, seems like a good start to me! <_<



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