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Secondary Mission Orders


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Have I got this right?


You can do as many Secondary Missions as you like but no primary missions after that.




1. BAU 1 P-40k xtunis 3 (assume 3 is an existing air force at xtunis)

2. LAF 3 10 (assuming fleet 10 is in xTunis and has the cargo capacity)


I can build an air force and load it onto a ship at the same turn?


How about the samething with ground troops?


1. Bgu 1 Inf39 xtunis 3

2. EAF 3 10



Here is an even more bizare question. I have to raise the LGT production of my country up rather rapidly. Can I issue multiple RPD orders for the same province in the same turn???

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Have I got this right?


You can do as many Secondary Missions as you like but no primary missions after that.




1.  BAU 1 P-40k xtunis  3  (assume 3 is an existing air force at xtunis)

2.  LAF 3 10  (assuming fleet 10 is in xTunis and has the cargo capacity)


          I can build an air force and load it onto a ship at the same turn?


How about the samething with ground troops?


1. Bgu 1 Inf39 xtunis 3

2.  EAF 3 10



Here is an even more bizare question.  I have to raise the LGT production of my country up rather rapidly.  Can I issue multiple RPD orders for the same province in the same turn???


1) Correct - you can do multiple secondary missions with a force without any trouble. You can only do one primary mission and you can't do a primary mission after a secondary.


2) No - you can only issue one RPD order for a given province per turn (of any type - not one per resource type).



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An other way to increase your resource production is to buildup the IMDL-level of the city. This may need RP-orders...

Increasing IMDL-levels is guaranteed, provided you have sufficient pop in the city and the level is not already 10...


Hope this helps,



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Welcome to the game Warmaster!


You will almost always be short on light. Planes rule this game and thier production uses ALLOT of light ore.

The bad news is you need to RPD from turn 1 to be even in use versus production. The good news is that it will cost you $100 only when succesful. It is a bug in the game.


Good hunting,

Rogue Leader

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