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Ship Mission Designation


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I don't know too much, but it is probably an assessment of your current designs (tonnage) and their mission classes, vis a vis, your new design's (tonnage) and it's intended mission class.


Example: You have a bunch of corvettes already, and they're classed as "light screen". Your new design, a destroyer, is larger than what you currently have deployed. Therefore, the INA Board Review, figures that destroyers should be on the "battle line", since you have nothing there, and your new design is heavy enough, any way.


If you want to change your destroyers mission class; just do another NUD order, and type in the exact name of the ship you want changed. Then make the desired changes accordingly.

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I created a new Destroyer warship design last turn and tried to designate it as Light Screen only to have the Design Review Board reject it and then redesignate its mission to battleline.


Is there any thing that tells me what the criteria for each mission designator is?


I just created a Destroyer but designated it a Heavy Screen and had no problem with the Review Board.

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I created a new Destroyer warship design last turn and tried to designate it as Light Screen only to have the Design Review Board reject it and then redesignate its mission to battleline.


Is there any thing that tells me what the criteria for each mission designator is?

I've had ships redesignated before, but only when I make a mistake and enter the wrong designator for the ships. For example, I tried to assign a new design to Mission Class C, which doesn't exist...it was assigned to battleline, Mission Class B, instead.


If you checked it and don't know why, you could either ask Pete, or simply do another NUD and change the Mission Class and see what happens.

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I created a new Destroyer warship design last turn and tried to designate it as Light Screen only to have the Design Review Board reject it and then redesignate its mission to battleline.


Is there any thing that tells me what the criteria for each mission designator is?


I've never seen this happen. Did you pick a valid designator letter?


The mission designator only determines which DepLoc your ship goes into, and there is no reason you couldn't put it in the Light Screen line. (I think...)


Sounds like a question for the Oracle. :)



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