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New Player Tips/Aids


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First off, welcome aboard! :drunk:


The main thing you can do is perform word searches on this forum to find what you want. One thing I did often was do a word search of "battle" on the Galactic Forum and studied every ship on every battle report to gain clues on the scale of technologies in this game and the designs everyone is using. I found some very good designs and some very,very bad ones. :huh:


Another is if you come across a problem, no matter how silly, don't be afraid to ask because someone will help you. Also, SuperNova is a game of frustration because a mere miscalcuation on production can screw up your entire building turn so triple check you calculations on your turn before sending it in.


And lastly, here's a clip on industrial output during another discussing on this forum. It will help. :drunk:


Another piece of advice and which I overlooked for several turns is take full advantage of you entire Industrial Complexes!  All together they can turn out 112,500,000 tons of material or resources per turn, so don't let any of it go to waste because you won't get them back.


Iron is one of the most important element in building your empire in turning out Steel to build your fleets or armies and you can never have too much of it.  Crystals is another in making Electronics, so is Gaseous Elements, Petrochemicals and Industrial Chemicals in order to make Synthetic Materials, amongst many other things.  Until you can colonize and mine other worlds, you'll have to depend on Raw Resources to make most these materials.  But remember it costs 10 Raw Resources to make either 1 Iron, 1 Crystal, 1 Gaseous Element, 1 Petrochemicals or 1 Industrial Chemical.  It is always better to dig this stuff out of the ground but until then, use the RRs up.


Hope this helps.  :huh:


Cheers.  :blink:


I agree wholeheartedly - definitely use all of your industrial output. A common practice is to issue an order with a high priority to catch any excess output that you might have, such as


BI, 90000000, Iron, 12345, 10000, Yes


(build 90 million Iron in pop group 12345 at priority 10000, tooled so this BI sticks around forever)


The idea is that you can always use Iron, and if you have any excees production output and sufficient raw resources lying around, your industries won't sit idle.


Cheers! :wacko:

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High nickcn .


Welcome to the game. :drunk:


I'm relatively new also, but am in communication with several empires, as ali-t-akua describes, and have a wealth of information available, for new players.

Contact me (click on my profile for the e-mail address).

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Welcome to the Game! :D


You will find that most players, especially those of us that lurk on the boards a lot, will answer your questions. You can learn from our hard won (and sometimes painful) experience on what not to do with your Empire. Some of the game mechanics are still voodoo science - as in, your guess is as good as mine as far as how it works exactly.


A few quick pointers ...

1. Get a Good Spreadsheet Program - I would recommend borrowing somebody else's in the short term and customizing it to fit your needs.


2. Talk to the Newsletter Editor (Eternus) - He has a pretty handy text file that covers most of the broad topics of the game that have already been discussed on the boards. It's not the lightest of prose, but the topics are in alphabetical order.


3. Talk to the Keeper of the Galactic Directory (Hobknob) - He keeps the master list of whose claimed what as far as Solar Systems go.


4. Check out the Player Aids Section of the Rolling Thunder Games website - All kinds of nifty toys there. ;)


5. Don't be afraid to Ask Your Questions - The Rulebook(s) have a variety of vague passages, some of which are intentionally so, and some seemingly contradictory statements. Nobody will mock you for asking. (Okay, maybe the Pirates of WHAPO will mock you, but they can't help it. :P It's a Pirate thing. :pirate2: )


6. Be True to Yourself - The game is about having fun. You built your Race and your Empire with something in mind. So enjoy it. :laugh:


-SK :huh:

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(Okay, maybe the Pirates of WHAPO will mock you, but they can't help it. :laugh: It's a Pirate thing.  :P )


-SK  :huh:


I feel an overwhelming urge to laugh at someone. But, I'm a Warmonger. Is that allowed?!? :D




Lord Uriel

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(Okay, maybe the Pirates of WHAPO will mock you, but they can't help it. :D It's a Pirate thing.  ;) )


-SK  :huh:


I feel an overwhelming urge to laugh at someone. But, I'm a Warmonger. Is that allowed?!? :P




Lord Uriel


And once again SK is proved correct. :laugh:


Nickcn, SK offers some good hints but the most important one is his last one. Have fun. If you don't have fun you won't stay for long. Just my humble opinion.

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