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Calling: STH Realm of the Sith Lords # 875


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Greetings Eldred. The Lerran Republic has also run into this empire at several locations. I have not received any responses to messages and have not observed any movement of STH forces. I've sealed my border at both locations with my RR battle squadrons. These squadrons are on alert status and restitution can be discussed in the event of any unanticipated 'meetings.'

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Greetings Eldred.  The Lerran Republic has also run into this empire at several locations.    I have not received any responses to messages and have not observed any movement of STH forces.  I've sealed my border at both locations with my RR battle squadrons.  These squadrons are on alert status and restitution can be discussed in the event of any unanticipated 'meetings.'


Thanks for the response. How long have the Sith Fleets failed to move? Hmmmm....you could try prodding them with a stick?


In the event of no response from the Sith we will continue our explorations, sounds like our vessel could be in for nasty shock if we go through the wrong WP. We are a long way out from our homeworld and our exploration ship poses no threat to you (or anyone else for that matter). Perhaps we can discuss this further when I have a little more data to share with you - maybe then such an unfortunate incident can be avoided.

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First fleet encounter was mid December time frame. As I said no responses to ingame messages or any other communication.


My blocking forces are only at the entry points to my space, atm. Hopefully you will only encounter my peaceful explorers and survey ships. Please don't be alarmed by their size...the pleasure booths take up an enormous amount of hull space.

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