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I just wanted to check with other graphvis users to see if I'm doing something wrong. I can't seem to get the map to print across multiple pages. Maybe the problem is with the software I use to view the jpg file, and not with graphvis. Does this look similar to what the rest of you are doing? Any suggestions?


I use neato. The neato command looks like this:

neato -Tjpg testmap.txt -o testmap.jpg


Here is my test input file. But the actual map that I want to print across multiple pages is much larger (naturally):


graph TestMap {

page="8.5,11"; /* Put graph attributes here */




splines=true; /* may need to delete this if processing takes too long */


node [shape=box]; /* List system names in this section */

System01 [label=System01\nS Dim Red];

System02 [label="System02\nM Red\nCircumstellar Shell",peripheries=2];

System03 [label=System03\nK Orange];

System04 [label=System04\nF Yellow-White];

System05 [label=System05\nKD Black Dwarf]; node [shape=ellipse]; /* List warp points in this section */

1111 [label=1111\nA 50];

1112 [label=1112\nB 25];

1113 [label=1113\nC 12];

1114 [label=1114\nD 7];

2221 [label="2221\nA 50",peripheries=2];

2222 [label=2222\nB 25];

2223 [label=2223\nC 12];

2224 [label="2224\nD 7",peripheries=2];

3331 [label=3331\nA 50];

3332 [label=3332\nB 25];

3333 [label=3333\nC 12];

3334 [label=3334\nD 7];

4441 [label=4441\nA 50];

4442 [label=4442\nB 25];

4443 [label=4443\nC 12];

4444 [label=4444\nD 7];

5551 [label=5551\nA 50];

5552 [label=5552\nB 25];

5553 [label=5553\nC 12];

5554 [label=5554\nD 7];

edge [weight=10]; /* Link warp points to their system in this section */

System01 -- 1111;

System01 -- 1112;

System01 -- 1113;

System01 -- 1114;

System02 -- 2221;

System02 -- 2222;

System02 -- 2223;

System02 -- 2224;

System03 -- 3331;

System03 -- 3332;

System03 -- 3333;

System03 -- 3334;

System04 -- 4441;

System04 -- 4442;

System04 -- 4443;

System04 -- 4444;

System05 -- 5551;

System05 -- 5552;

System05 -- 5553;

System05 -- 5554;edge [weight=1,dir=forward]; /* List warp jumps in this section */

1111 -- 2221;

2221 -- 1111;

2222 -- 3332;

3332 -- 2222;

3333 -- 4443;

4443 -- 3333;

4444 -- 5554;

5554 -- 4444;

5551 -- 1112;

1112 -- 5551;

1113 -- 3331 [style=dotted];


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Seems the problem is, that a jpeg is just a huge picture.


The page option seems to work if you are using postscript:


neato -Tps testmap.txt -o testmap.ps


Either send this to a postscript printer, or get yourself a postscript viewer like ghostview.


Or use a ps to pdf converter like pd2pdf.


Your testmap looks then like this: http://www.cestvel.de/dl/testmap.pdf

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