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Problems With 5/19/07 Turn


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In this turn my industrial complexes ran before my mines (most notably my strip mines) and this caused a chaotic production problem -- strip mines eventually ran but I ended up with a whole turn of raw materials in inventory and no finished goods. This happened with both of my positions. I am fairly new so may have done something to cause this but it surely was not intentional. Is this a genearal problem? Will it be corrected and the turn rerun or should I do the best I can with the current situation?

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In this turn my industrial complexes ran before my mines (most notably my strip mines) and this caused a chaotic production problem -- strip mines eventually ran but I ended up with a whole turn of raw materials in inventory and no finished goods. This happened with both of my positions. I am fairly new so may have done something to cause this but it surely was not intentional. Is this a genearal problem? Will it be corrected and the turn rerun or should I do the best I can with the current situation?

Yes, installations didn't properly sort during production this cycle, causing grief for those who needed iron, raw resources etc produced during this turn for this turn's industrial production.


The only solution is to re-run the production phase of the turn, which I am in the process of setting up right now. This process, including the reprinting of the turns, will take up the rest of turn morning and into this afternoon.


I make regular database backups throughout the run (in this case the key backup is the one done right after orders were processed and just before end turn adjustments), so all issued orders stay as is (the printouts tht you have in hand are accurate as far as the processed orders are concerned). Only end turn adjustments are being reprocessed.


All produciton, including convoy routes, resource and industrial production, and science hits gets re-run during this process. The downside from the science end is that you might not get the same science hits from your scientists. The upside is that you got a peek at what might be <grin>, and you might get luckier the second time around <_<


My apologies for the delay.

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