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Fleet to Fleet cargo transfer


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OK, you can transfer fuel between fleets without the fleets having to merge.

You can transfer ships from fleet to fleet and take selected cargo along with transferred ships (the RN order).

Can the RN order be used to simply transfer cargo (without a transfer of ships)?????

(Either that or I have to go out of my way and lose two turns for a fleet I need elsewhere).

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RN orders don't require AP's so it is possible to transfer goods between two fleets in the same turn. To do so RN the fleet you would like to transfer your goods to into the second fleet, then RN those ships back. :taz:


There are however one or two problems, your first is that when the goods are transfered it will take all of them that the fleet can fit, possibly in alphabetic order possibly not. Your second problem is if both fleets have the same class of ship in them, when you RN ships back to the first fleet the ships ordered back may be those that have already used their AP for the turn.


Sir Smeg :pirate2:

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Do the ships on the second RN not take their cargo back with them?


So RN 1. Fleet -> 2. Fleet transfers cargo to limit of cargo space most possible alphabetically

RN 2. Fleet -> 1. Fleet transfers cargo back to 1. Fleet with possible other cargo up to capacity?


Seems you have to place a Colony beacon on a world in between. tehre you can OC and teh other fleet can LC.

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True when you do a RN order as much cargo as possible will be transfered to the receiving fleet, this does make it a simple operation but tricky to have properly done. About the only use I have for it is reloading my warships with fighters and drones, for anything else I would recomend moving to a nearby colony and doing LC and OC orders.


Sir Smeg :pirate2:

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Do the ships on the second RN not take their cargo back with them?


So RN 1. Fleet -> 2. Fleet transfers cargo to limit of cargo space most possible alphabetically

RN 2. Fleet -> 1. Fleet transfers cargo back to 1. Fleet with possible other cargo up to capacity?


Seems you have to place a Colony beacon on a world in between. tehre you can OC and teh other fleet can LC.


You'd have to do something like this


NEWF Fleet 2, Fleet 3


RN Fleet 1 --> Fleet 2 (moves cargo to Fleet 2 up to limit of RN'd ships, in alphabetical order)


RN Fleet 2 --> Fleet 3 (you RN the original Fleet 2 ships into Fleet 3, effectively moving the cargo up to the limit of RN'd ships to Fleet 3, in alphabetical order. This would come from the combined mix of cargo in the original Fleet 2, and what had just been transferred in)


RN Fleet 2 --> Fleet 1 (have the ships from the RN F1->F2 ships rejoin their original fleet)


RN Fleet 3 --> Fleet 2 (Now all the ships are back in Fleet 2)


DECF Fleet 3 (keep the skies clean)

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