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A&A War at sea mini gme


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Anyone out there play the new Axis & Allies: War at Sea miniture game yet? It is new in at least that it stands alone from the other A&A mini games that are ground based. This game is Naval based and it is a ton of fun. Most of the major nationalities are represented with the first (and so far only) set of 64 units.


-Andy Brogan


Algeria 78

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Anyone out there play the new Axis & Allies: War at Sea miniture game yet? It is new in at least that it stands alone from the other A&A mini games that are ground based. This game is Naval based and it is a ton of fun. Most of the major nationalities are represented with the first (and so far only) set of 64 units.


-Andy Brogan


Algeria 78



I'm sure these guys probably have :laugh:






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Anyone out there play the new Axis & Allies: War at Sea miniture game yet? It is new in at least that it stands alone from the other A&A mini games that are ground based. This game is Naval based and it is a ton of fun. Most of the major nationalities are represented with the first (and so far only) set of 64 units.


-Andy Brogan


Algeria 78



I'm sure these guys probably have :laugh:







Yeah, I was pretty sure the guys at axis and allies would have probably played their own game at some point. I was asking in anyone in the Victory! community has played it.


-Andy Brogan

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