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Just wanted to say "Hi", I played StarMaster Waaaaaay back when ( ummm... '84? ).

I was thinking about that game, and was really surprised to discover it's successor was alive and well. :thumbsup:


I'm working on my race's design right now ( based on my fondness for cephalopods ) and might post it later for review ( then again... I'm not sure how much flack I want to deal with... they're going to be expensive and I'm not going to have many SRPs left... but they'll be what I want to RP. :D ) I might do a second setup based on my interest in stompatopods as well.


I have some fond memories ( and not so fond ) of StarMaster ( having an Elder race come barreling into my home system on my 3rd turn with their high gen fleet turning my HW into so much chaff ( and paying, what was for my teenage self a fortune, for the privilege of getting knocked out of the game ).


I'm looking forward to signing up and joining in the fun. The information here for a newbie is a great resource, thanks to everyone who's posted, it's appreciated.

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Just wanted to say "Hi", I played StarMaster Waaaaaay back when ( ummm... '84? ).

I was thinking about that game, and was really surprised to discover it's successor was alive and well. :drunk:


I'm working on my race's design right now ( based on my fondness for cephalopods ) and might post it later for review ( then again... I'm not sure how much flack I want to deal with... they're going to be expensive and I'm not going to have many SRPs left... but they'll be what I want to RP. :D ) I might do a second setup based on my interest in stompatopods as well.


I have some fond memories ( and not so fond ) of StarMaster ( having an Elder race come barreling into my home system on my 3rd turn with their high gen fleet turning my HW into so much chaff ( and paying, what was for my teenage self a fortune, for the privilege of getting knocked out of the game ).


I'm looking forward to signing up and joining in the fun. The information here for a newbie is a great resource, thanks to everyone who's posted, it's appreciated.


You are about to get a flood of welcomes, so let me be the first! And don't pay any attention to the whining about when the turns will be in our email boxes. (Never soon enough)


I was also a StarMaster player a couple decades ago, although I was past my teen years by then and should have known better. But of course, I refuse to grow up in some ways and am about to get cycle 102 of my primary race. No elder races dumping on me either 20 years ago or currently, although that could change this cycle, I suppose.


Ask your questions and there will be plenty of answers. And the lurkers will learn along with you!


Have fun and remember......It's only a game!


Octus Imperium :thumbsup:

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"Have fun and remember......It's only a game!"


Well, it helps that the $ for a turn is a self imposed allowance and not coming out of the allowance my folks gave me or birthday money. :D


If I want serious aggravation I'll log onto City of Heroes/Villains ( an MMORPG based on superheroes) and hit the PvP zone when I'm trying to collect goodies. That'll get my blood pressure up almost as much as work.


I was curious about one thing, fan fiction. Is that done on here, on the yahoo... or is it mostly a personal thing?

I'm working on getting professionally published ( SF and Fantasy, tough field to break into, but I've gotten a lot of encouraging words from editors along with rejection slips), and this sounds like a fun mileu to write about.


One thing that'll make the GMs happy... I used to write out my stuff by hand for StarMaster... and they had to suffer through me being left handed and dyslexic...now they'll only have to deal with tyops. :thumbsup:

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"Have fun and remember......It's only a game!"


Well, it helps that the $ for a turn is a self imposed allowance and not coming out of the allowance my folks gave me or birthday money. :D


If I want serious aggravation I'll log onto City of Heroes/Villains ( an MMORPG based on superheroes) and hit the PvP zone when I'm trying to collect goodies. That'll get my blood pressure up almost as much as work.


I was curious about one thing, fan fiction. Is that done on here, on the yahoo... or is it mostly a personal thing?

I'm working on getting professionally published ( SF and Fantasy, tough field to break into, but I've gotten a lot of encouraging words from editors along with rejection slips), and this sounds like a fun mileu to write about.


One thing that'll make the GMs happy... I used to write out my stuff by hand for StarMaster... and they had to suffer through me being left handed and dyslexic...now they'll only have to deal with tyops. :thumbsup:


Prose about game activity is usually well received, but remember the large lurker base who won't often comment (yes, I'm guilty as charged now and then).


There used to be a newsletter that was constantly looking for content. I think it suffered from a lack of submissions and high work load for the players who did it. It was excellent, but has fallen to the way side. Hmm, you could consider revisiting it and perhaps developing some writer and editor credentials. But it would be a large time commitment, for sure.


Again, welcome. And hope to buy one of your books some day soon!



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Just wanted to say "Hi", I played StarMaster Waaaaaay back when ( ummm... '84? ).

I was thinking about that game, and was really surprised to discover it's successor was alive and well. :thumbsup:


I'm working on my race's design right now ( based on my fondness for cephalopods ) and might post it later for review ( then again... I'm not sure how much flack I want to deal with... they're going to be expensive and I'm not going to have many SRPs left... but they'll be what I want to RP. :D ) I might do a second setup based on my interest in stompatopods as well.


I have some fond memories ( and not so fond ) of StarMaster ( having an Elder race come barreling into my home system on my 3rd turn with their high gen fleet turning my HW into so much chaff ( and paying, what was for my teenage self a fortune, for the privilege of getting knocked out of the game ).


I'm looking forward to signing up and joining in the fun. The information here for a newbie is a great resource, thanks to everyone who's posted, it's appreciated.


AH! A new cephalopod race! Welcome, welcome, welcome!


My Arcane Services, Inc. are a race of shape-shifting telepathic, color changing octipoids. Great for exploration and spying missions! I would very much like to see your take on racial design.


And other things as well. New players always bring with them a fresh set of eyes, and a fresher set of ideas!


Once again, welcome! :cheers::drunk::cheers:



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AH! A new cephalopod race! Welcome, welcome, welcome!


My Arcane Services, Inc. are a race of shape-shifting telepathic, color changing octipoids. Great for exploration and spying missions! I would very much like to see your take on racial design.


And other things as well. New players always bring with them a fresh set of eyes, and a fresher set of ideas!


Once again, welcome! :thumbsup::D:drunk:






Cephs and stomatopods (mantis shrimp) are tied as my favorite inverts. One of my hobbies is reef keeping, cephs are to much work, but maybe someday...


The idea I'm working with is (mostly) based Euprymna scolopes. I'll probably post the design in the Bio section.

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Prose about game activity is usually well received, but remember the large lurker base who won't often comment (yes, I'm guilty as charged now and then).


Lurking can be fun! Better to post sometimes though :D


Welcome Biomekanic, and have fun. The locals are normally very friendly! In the more than two years I've been in this game, I've only bumped into one other played race!


Ask questions as I did when I joined and you'll generally get loads of answers and help.



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Welcome to the universe, Biomekanic.


In two years of playing I have only come up on one active position and he's friendly enough.

No need to worry about getting overrun on the third turn in this game. Unless someone finds a gem in the undisclosed Tech Tree that we are still unaware of. :D


But still, it is good to be prepared for hostiles. Better safe then sorry is my opinion.


Good luck and have fun. And as said before by others: If you have any questions, do not fear to post.



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Hello and welcome!


I have posted 2 of the spreadsheets I use at http://geocities.com/batkins23/


One is a ship design spreadsheet. The defensive calculations are all wrong. I'll get that fixed some day.


The Production Design worksheet is used to set up my BI commands for tooled production.


These are nowhere near as ambitious as PhaseDragon's were.

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