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Turn input?


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Okay, I've got the program loaded and it took my empire ID.

Now... when I go to the "put in orders" area, there's a drop down menu of orders, and a long bar below that looks like a single line from excel, with a space below that.

Is there supposed to be anything there? I updated the information, it said "Info updated" but I didn't see any numbers in there.

Do I manually put in the info, and then any comments?


Just as a comment, a "sample turn" with screen shots showing how it works would be great. Maybe include that in the manual, or with your first turn?

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Okay, I've got the program loaded and it took my empire ID.

Now... when I go to the "put in orders" area, there's a drop down menu of orders, and a long bar below that looks like a single line from excel, with a space below that.

Is there supposed to be anything there? I updated the information, it said "Info updated" but I didn't see any numbers in there.

Do I manually put in the info, and then any comments?


Just as a comment, a "sample turn" with screen shots showing how it works would be great. Maybe include that in the manual, or with your first turn?


It has been some time since I set up a new empire but here goes.


First thing you do when you open the order entry program is select "New Empire" and enter your new empire information. I assume that you have already done this.


Then you go to the drop down menu and find the empire name that you want to enter data for. The empire number should show up in the empire number box.


Next you click on Update data which will go to the mdb file and get new data from there.


Normally you will also click clear data which clears the orders from the prior turn but since this is your first time, you don't need to do this.


Now you are ready to enter orders.


Hopefully this gets you started. Don't forget to save your orders once you are done to create the order entry file that goes to RTG.

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It looks like the data for the empire didn't update... from what I remember. Have to poke at it some more when I get home.



Remember, the empire data isn't part of the of the basic order entry program. It covers all the information that is specific to your empire (the technologies you know, the systems you have explored, the locations of your fleets etc.). You will be sent a datafile for your empire along with your set up (and an updated version with every turn). It comes in the form of a zip or zm9 file so you need to decompress it and save it in the root directory of the order entry system (usually C:\snrote). Then you can import the information into the order entry programme using the "Update Data" button.


To write your orders, go to the “Enter Orders” section and select one of the order codes from the drop-down list. That should bring up some more input boxes for all the other details you need for that particular order (planet name, fleet number etc.). Some of the details you need to type in, some you choose from a list. When you have finished, click on “Save Order” and the order will be added to the list at the bottom of the screen. You then repeat the process for your second order, third order and so on until you have finished. The orders are stored in a database so you don’t have to enter them all at the same time. If you shut the program down and restart it later, they should still be there. If you hit “Edit Orders” it expands the list at the bottom of the screen so that you can change or delete any previous orders.


Once you have got all your orders straight, you press “Save Orders” on the main menu and the program creates an orders file which it stores in the Orders to RTG directory of C:\snrote. You email a copy of this file to Rolling Thunder and Pete will use it to process your next turn. When you get your turn results, upload the new datafile, click “Clear Orders” (to delete the previous turn’s orders) and start all over again.

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