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SNROE Development & Growth


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With many years, repairs, corrections and expansions to the core game that launched long ago I am wondering what you envision for the future for SNROE. What features can we expect to be implemented in the future say like will Religion be activated to play a role in the game? Will there be new additions to the game or are you content as it stands now? I am very curious to hear what you see in the future of SNROE and what you dream and hope to be able to conjure up for us SNROE addicts!


Have a good turn weekend with as lite snafus as possible and I didn't intentionally attack a soul so I should be innocent this turn .)






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With many years, repairs, corrections and expansions to the core game that launched long ago I am wondering what you envision for the future for SNROE. What features can we expect to be implemented in the future say like will Religion be activated to play a role in the game? Will there be new additions to the game or are you content as it stands now? I am very curious to hear what you see in the future of SNROE and what you dream and hope to be able to conjure up for us SNROE addicts!


Have a good turn weekend with as lite snafus as possible and I didn't intentionally attack a soul so I should be innocent this turn .)







Interesting questions. And interested in any answers.


So you think that just once you don't intentionally attack someone, and you think Pete will be grateful (for the extra sleep) and answer some questions? The gaul/gawl/gall of some life forms.


<poking fun>


From peace loving (and rapid turnaround promoter),


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