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When to Quit


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Hi all


The question is this - many of you have played many games and in cased been defeated, so when is a good time to quit?


At what point is surrender the only option?


Many make great arguments for continuing the fight against great odds and in 79 & 80 im close to what I would consider is a time to surrender yet the General in me wants to continue the fight.


When does honor allow each of you the justification to give up the ghost.


PS be honest, this is a real world question, each of us have an oppinion and thats all it is, there is no right and wrong and i dont want a nasty debate. <_<

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Hi all


The question is this - many of you have played many games and in cased been defeated, so when is a good time to quit?


At what point is surrender the only option?


Many make great arguments for continuing the fight against great odds and in 79 & 80 im close to what I would consider is a time to surrender yet the General in me wants to continue the fight.


When does honor allow each of you the justification to give up the ghost.


PS be honest, this is a real world question, each of us have an oppinion and thats all it is, there is no right and wrong and i dont want a nasty debate. :cheers:


<_< We will fight on the sea, we will fight on the shore, we will fight in the cities, we will never surrender, never surrender.......or something like that as stated by Sir Winston Churchill. I have started 8 games and have completed 6 and am playing in the other 2. SO as you can see I never surrender, however once you can no longer resist what is the point. Algeria in game 72 had to drop due to personal issues however since he had done so well prior to dropping he actually won that game even though he had virtually no forces or territory left.

If you have TA's I personnally think you should stay in the games as long as possible to support them. Even to the point of taking a small force and relocating to an island or a redoubt. You can supply intelligence and maybe they can come to your aid and reconquer your home country for you. You never know.


:blink: Don

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Just keep playing as long as you have real world money and allies to assist!


Even without a country you have 60 or more orders. You can still do espionage, sabotage, and other missions to assist you allies. If you TA's cede you a (port) city there's even more you can do. And later on your allies could even liberate the country you lost...


Sure it's not as glamorous as conquering the entire globe in ten turns but I personally think defending against all odds is fun. Face it playing Vic means you'll get beaten a lot. So why not make it fun? Let your opponent pay for their attack! There's nothing more annoying than a human player defending in his last city. With endless resources, legendary fortifications, 18 divisions on DD defense and good air defense. You will sureley annoy your opponent and gain some respect. Which could be important in future games...


My 2 cents.

Von Manstein

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Guest Spongebob

Oi :( there is nothing wrong with being TAed with the sponge as Cain knows. Okay hes new and green behind the ears and when he TAed with me he had no idea who i was :cheers: but thats not the point.


Im a good ally and TA, okay i may not have much success but that brings flavor to the game, taste to the outcome and fun to all your lives.


So suck it up and respect the sponge or i WILL be your TAs


Oh and on the subject of quiting - quit when your TAs start ordering you about and question your will and integrity. Its all about fun and when the fun is gone then there is no point playing even if your on the winning side, your nation is whole and you have armies stomping all over your enemies, not that i would know anything about that, now would I

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this is a bogus poll...


9 out of 10 times it is Spongie himself who declares war to the whole world :cheers:



and a name change .. well we will always identify the new spammer als the old sponge :o


still like ya spamming.. just do not get to close to me in vic...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just keep playing as long as you have real world money and allies to assist!


Even without a country you have 60 or more orders. You can still do espionage, sabotage, and other missions to assist you allies. If you TA's cede you a (port) city there's even more you can do. And later on your allies could even liberate the country you lost...


Sure it's not as glamorous as conquering the entire globe in ten turns but I personally think defending against all odds is fun. Face it playing Vic means you'll get beaten a lot. So why not make it fun? Let your opponent pay for their attack! There's nothing more annoying than a human player defending in his last city. With endless resources, legendary fortifications, 18 divisions on DD defense and good air defense. You will sureley annoy your opponent and gain some respect. Which could be important in future games...


My 2 cents.

Von Manstein


Words that I die by :cheers:

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Just keep playing as long as you have real world money and allies to assist!


Even without a country you have 60 or more orders. You can still do espionage, sabotage, and other missions to assist you allies. If you TA's cede you a (port) city there's even more you can do. And later on your allies could even liberate the country you lost...


Sure it's not as glamorous as conquering the entire globe in ten turns but I personally think defending against all odds is fun. Face it playing Vic means you'll get beaten a lot. So why not make it fun? Let your opponent pay for their attack! There's nothing more annoying than a human player defending in his last city. With endless resources, legendary fortifications, 18 divisions on DD defense and good air defense. You will sureley annoy your opponent and gain some respect. Which could be important in future games...


My 2 cents.

Von Manstein


Words that I die by :cheers:





Next game we should TA!!



Erich von Manstein

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