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Temperature attrition


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Has anyone had any luck using Subterranean Cities to offset temperature attrition losses? Looking at colonizing some harsher worlds in my home system and have some temperature issues. A TTC will reduce the number of hostile categories to one. I was hoping to use the SubCities to offset the one hostile temp category.


Sakarissa :alien:

The Circle

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Has anyone had any luck using Subterranean Cities to offset temperature attrition losses? Looking at colonizing some harsher worlds in my home system and have some temperature issues. A TTC will reduce the number of hostile categories to one. I was hoping to use the SubCities to offset the one hostile temp category.


Sakarissa :laugh:

The Circle


To a very mild degree, the temperature specific structures did a better job. However, being that my people aren't the most temperature tolerant of species, I don't know if my results are typical.


-SK :D

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