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Will this work?

Transport ship/ships move into sea zone to meet up with a navel force needing supplies.

RN X (trans Ships) Y (other fleet) GEN 100 FUEL 100 MUN 100.

Will the supplies go into the intrinsic supplies?


I do this all the time and it works.


This moves the army from one fleet to another and they will DAF from the Y fleet after that.


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Yes, I think that should work. As far as I know supplies will always go to the intrinsic supplies unless they are already full.



If the FUEL, MUN, and GEN were being carried as cargo they will still be cargo when the transfer is made when using RN. This means you should be sure you have adequate cargo carrying capacity in the target fleet for the order to succeed. After the cargo is transferred using RN you can then use a SDNR (Supply Draw Naval Resupply) order to draw the supplies from Cargo to usable supplies within the fleet that was the target of the RN (the destination fleet).


Refer to point 4 of the RN order:


4) Remember that intrinsic supply stockpile transfers are handled

automatically by the computer (on a proportional basis). You cannot

specify the amounts of intrinsic supply transferred using this order. The

STN order can be used to affect specific intrinsic supply transfers.


** This is referring to the proportional allocation of intrinsic supplies held in the ship(s) that were RN into the target fleet, but the language about STN is covering the way you can disproportionally transfer intrinsic supplies from fleet to fleet. Point being they started out as intrinsic supplies not as cargo.


and also to the SDNR order:



Supply Draw, Naval Resupply

Non-Mission Order


The "Supply Draw, Naval Resupply" order is used by a naval force

at sea to draw supplies (Fuel, Munition and General) from the cargo it is

carrying. This is considered an "at-sea replenishment" for the naval force.

If the needed supplies are not available, the naval force will draw all the

supplies that are available. The supplies are simply transferred from cargo

to the force supply stockpiles (taken from the cargo holds of cargo vessels

& supply ships and transferred into the magazines, fuel bunkers and storage

spaces of warships). The separation of cargo and intrinsic ship stockpiles

is an important consideration when determining the losses in supply

stockpiles and cargo due a ship sinking (An AK (cargo ship) that was sunk

while it was still carrying munition supplies can be more important than an

AK that has already resupplied a naval force and is currently empty).

See Chapter F, Logistics & Training, rule 4.0 Supply System for

further information.


The command format used for this order is as follows:


Supply Draw Naval Resupply, Force ID#, Fuel, Munitions, General


"Force ID#" The ID# of the force that is drawing supplies from cargo.


"Fuel" The amount of fuel supplies you wish the force to draw.

In addition, if you use the word "ALL" in place of a

number, the force will draw all the fuel, munition and

general supplies that it can, subject to availability and

force intrinsic supply capacities.


"Munitions" The amount of munition supplies you wish the force to draw.


"General" The amount of general supplies you wish the force to draw.




Unless you use the "ALL" option, remember that you must list

supply quantities for fuel, munition and general supplies (in this order).

You must put a "0" if you do not wish to draw a particular type of supply.

The computer will interpret the first number listed as "fuel supply", etc.




Supply Draw Naval Resupply, 22, ALL


Hope this helps!


Race Pilsner

Dey of Tunisia

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Yes, I think that should work. As far as I know supplies will always go to the intrinsic supplies unless they are already full.



If the FUEL, MUN, and GEN were being carried as cargo they will still be cargo when the transfer is made when using RN. This means you should be sure you have adequate cargo carrying capacity in the target fleet for the order to succeed. After the cargo is transferred using RN you can then use a SDNR (Supply Draw Naval Resupply) order to draw the supplies from Cargo to usable supplies within the fleet that was the target of the RN (the destination fleet).


Refer to point 4 of the RN order:


4) Remember that intrinsic supply stockpile transfers are handled

automatically by the computer (on a proportional basis). You cannot

specify the amounts of intrinsic supply transferred using this order. The

STN order can be used to affect specific intrinsic supply transfers.


** This is referring to the proportional allocation of intrinsic supplies held in the ship(s) that were RN into the target fleet, but the language about STN is covering the way you can disproportionally transfer intrinsic supplies from fleet to fleet. Point being they started out as intrinsic supplies not as cargo.


and also to the SDNR order:



Supply Draw, Naval Resupply

Non-Mission Order


The "Supply Draw, Naval Resupply" order is used by a naval force

at sea to draw supplies (Fuel, Munition and General) from the cargo it is

carrying. This is considered an "at-sea replenishment" for the naval force.

If the needed supplies are not available, the naval force will draw all the

supplies that are available. The supplies are simply transferred from cargo

to the force supply stockpiles (taken from the cargo holds of cargo vessels

& supply ships and transferred into the magazines, fuel bunkers and storage

spaces of warships). The separation of cargo and intrinsic ship stockpiles

is an important consideration when determining the losses in supply

stockpiles and cargo due a ship sinking (An AK (cargo ship) that was sunk

while it was still carrying munition supplies can be more important than an

AK that has already resupplied a naval force and is currently empty).

See Chapter F, Logistics & Training, rule 4.0 Supply System for

further information.


The command format used for this order is as follows:


Supply Draw Naval Resupply, Force ID#, Fuel, Munitions, General


"Force ID#" The ID# of the force that is drawing supplies from cargo.


"Fuel" The amount of fuel supplies you wish the force to draw.

In addition, if you use the word "ALL" in place of a

number, the force will draw all the fuel, munition and

general supplies that it can, subject to availability and

force intrinsic supply capacities.


"Munitions" The amount of munition supplies you wish the force to draw.


"General" The amount of general supplies you wish the force to draw.




Unless you use the "ALL" option, remember that you must list

supply quantities for fuel, munition and general supplies (in this order).

You must put a "0" if you do not wish to draw a particular type of supply.

The computer will interpret the first number listed as "fuel supply", etc.




Supply Draw Naval Resupply, 22, ALL


Hope this helps!


Race Pilsner

Dey of Tunisia


Is that a no????????

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It's a no. Cargo isn't transferred directly to intrinsic supplies. It stays cargo until you draw it using a SDNR from the cargo storage, or unless you OC it to a port city and then draw it using SDN.


I wanted you to read the SDNR order so maybe I got a bit too elaborate on the explanation.


Race Pilsner

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It's a no. Cargo isn't transferred directly to intrinsic supplies. It stays cargo until you draw it using a SDNR from the cargo storage, or unless you OC it to a port city and then draw it using SDN.


I wanted you to read the SDNR order so maybe I got a bit too elaborate on the explanation.


Race Pilsner


No really it was very good



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It's a no. Cargo isn't transferred directly to intrinsic supplies. It stays cargo until you draw it using a SDNR from the cargo storage, or unless you OC it to a port city and then draw it using SDN.


I wanted you to read the SDNR order so maybe I got a bit too elaborate on the explanation.


Race Pilsner


No really it was very good




It is a privellage to serve.


Race Pilsner

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