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Merry Day after Christmas everyone!!


What an excellent Christmas. I'd like you to join Blendmeanother and I in celebrating our newborn homeworld. Black Cloud was even more generous this turn and allowed us to take his second homeworld (the former Tree Ent Kingdom #3186) in the spirit of the season. Curiously, neither White Shadow Imperium (WSI) or Galvorn Protectorate (GAL) joined BCL in his final agony. The rationale behind their absence is unclear at this time but until we hear differently our assumption is that they are both our sworn enemies and will be treated as such. Unit Prime, I'm looking for a response...


Below is a report out of the Naval Battle and subsequent ground combat. Forces on both sides were reduced over the efforts of last turn:




Alien Fleet Sighting : Xxxx - 9 [in-system move by empire # 105]

BCL The Black Cloud # 3067 'A Swirling Black Cloud Enveloping The Galaxy'

[Tango] Fleet 277

1 CVA Pisch (Attack Carrier - 1,329,700 tons)

1 WC Jovi (War Cruiser - 1,478,000 tons)

1 AUXF Roundup (Fleet Auxiliary - 1,350,000 tons)

Coconutheads Page 8 of 291 Thursday, December 25, 2008 105

[Romeo] Fleet 450

1 MF Cargo 1 (Medium Freighter - 450,100 tons)

1 MF cargo 1 mill (Medium Freighter - 1,764,000 tons)

[Whiskey] Fleet 503

100 SOX cord 1 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons)

300 SOX cord (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons)

400 SOX cord 2 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons)

850 SOX cord 3 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons)

1 PSX evre-fighter (Planetary Stronghold - 5,040,000 tons)

[Romeo] Fleet 510

300 COZ cord7 (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons)

BMA Blend Me Another # 4416 'Hammock Between Palm Trees'

[Yankee] Pestilence

1 STA Elf (Star Tanker - 426,694,800 tons)

711 XB Imp (Express Boat - 47,400 tons)

1 NDN Death (Nova Dreadnaught - 1,000,000,000 tons)

1 NDN War (Nova Dreadnaught - 1,000,000,000 tons)





----- XXXX [ M (Red) 4 V ] [binary Star System] - 9 -----


Coconutheads # 105 (No Naval Commanders) ----- Blend Me Another # 4416 (+11 [Leaders * Lifeform]) -----

Total tonnage: 1,798,094,000.....Base Fire Control: 483 [869,268,000,000 bridge]


The Black Cloud # 3067 (+13 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 13,361,800.....Base Fire Control: 11 [156,395,000 bridge]


Pestilence Blend Me Another #4416 Grand Admiral Blood

Fleet 503 The Black Cloud #3067 Fleet Admiral

Fleet 503 The Black Cloud #3067 Admiral

Thousand Lumps of Coal fo Coconutheads #105 Emperor Cortez

Thousand Lumps of Coal fo Coconutheads #105 Pioneer

Thousand Lumps of Coal fo Coconutheads #105 Academician



------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Coconutheads # 105 [Palm Tree On Field Of Blue]

Thousand Lumps of Coal for YOU [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 337,697,800)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 NDNZ Hades (Assault Nova Dreadnaught - 337,697,800 tons [each])

<5,000,000 Advanced Construction Materials>--<400,000 Caldaran Crystals>--<40 Colonial Settler>

<9 Colony Beacon>--<24 Combat Engineer>--<590,000 Construction Materials>--<24 EW>

<24 Fortress>--<16,678,647 Fuel>--<24 Guerrilla>--<24 Imperial Army Air Force>--<24 Imperial Army Armor>

<24 Imperial Army Artillery>--<24 Imperial Army Heavy Air Defense>--<24 Imperial Army Heavy Armor>

<24 Imperial Army Heavy Artillery>--<24 Imperial Army Heavy Infantry>--<24 Imperial Army Infantry>

<24 Imperial Army Mechanized Infantry>--<24 Imperial Army Special Forces>--<24 Imperial Army Strategic Bomber>

<24 Imperial Guards Air Force>--<24 Imperial Guards Armor>--<24 Imperial Guards Artillery>

<24 Imperial Guards Heavy Air Defense>--<24 Imperial Guards Heavy Armor>--<24 Imperial Guards Heavy Artillery>

<24 Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry>--<24 Imperial Guards Infantry>--<24 Imperial Guards Security>

<24 Imperial Guards Special Forces>--<24 Imperial Guards Strategic Bomber>--<24 Imperial Marines Air Force>

<24 Imperial Marines Armor>--<24 Imperial Marines Heavy Infantry>--<24 Imperial Marines Infantry>

<24 Imperial Marines Raiders>--<24 Imperial Marines Special Forces>--<24 Intelligence>

<24 Medical>--<24 Militia>--<24 Naval>--<24 NBC>--<24 Security>--<24 Space Defense>

<24 Transport>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------


The Black Cloud # 3067 [A Swirling Black Cloud Enveloping The Galaxy]

Fleet 277 [ROE: T] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 4,157,700)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 AUXF Roundup (Fleet Auxiliary - 1,350,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 WC Jovi (War Cruiser - 1,478,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 CVA Pisch (Attack Carrier - 1,329,700 tons [each])

<5,000 Attack Fighter>--<310,085 Fuel>

Fleet 450 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,214,100)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 MF cargo 1 mill (Medium Freighter - 1,764,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 MF Cargo 1 (Medium Freighter - 450,100 tons [each])

<1,100,000 Construction Materials>--<84,550 Fuel>--<100 Mk I Total Conversion Engine>

Fleet 503 [ROE: W] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 6,690,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 850 SOX cord 3 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 400 SOX cord 2 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 300 SOX cord (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 100 SOX cord 1 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 PSX evre-fighter (Planetary Stronghold - 5,040,000 tons [each])

<7,840 Attack Gunboat>

Coconutheads Page 9 of 291 Thursday, December 25, 2008 105

Fleet 510 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 300,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 300 COZ cord7 (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])



------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------


Blend Me Another # 4416 [Hammock Between Palm Trees]

Pestilence [ROE: Y] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,033,701,400)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDN War (Nova Dreadnaught - 1,000,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 NDN Death (Nova Dreadnaught - 1,000,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 711 XB Imp (Express Boat - 47,400 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 STA Elf (Star Tanker - 426,694,800 tons [each])

<990,000 Caldaran Crystals>--<43 Colony Beacon>--<967,000 Construction Materials>

<402,373,591 Fuel>--<120 System Probe>



** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Black Cloud # 3067 [ 5,000 / 5,000 Attack Fighter] Standard Attack Mk IV Total Conversion Pulse

The Black Cloud # 3067 [ 7,840 / 7,840 Attack Gunboat] Standard Attack Mk IV Total Conversion Pulse


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

NDN Death (Nova Dreadnaught - 1,000,000,000 tons) [integrity: 789,382,100 / 789,382,100] [shields: 1,028,992,500,000 /

1,028,992,500,000] (Green, Timid)

1,000,000 Cargo Bay, 30 Drone Rack, 80,497,500 Fuel Tankage, 672 Mk II Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director

333 Mk III Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 192,130 Mk IV Total Conversion Engine

4,115,970 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 28,285 Type D Disintegrator

Energy Disruptor: 49,781,601,079, Matter Disruptor: 49,781,601,079

Maneuverability: 67.63, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

XB Imp (Express Boat - 47,400 tons) [integrity: 17,660 / 17,660] (Green, Timid)

9,100 Fuel Tankage, 8 Mk IV Total Conversion Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 1 Type D Disintegrator

Energy Disruptor: 1,760,000, Matter Disruptor: 1,760,000

Maneuverability: 59.41, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

NDN War (Nova Dreadnaught - 1,000,000,000 tons) [integrity: 789,382,100 / 789,382,100] [shields: 1,028,980,444,320 /

1,028,992,500,000] (Green, Timid)

1,000,000 Cargo Bay, 30 Drone Rack, 80,497,500 Fuel Tankage, 672 Mk II Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director

333 Mk III Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 192,130 Mk IV Total Conversion Engine

4,115,970 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 28,285 Type D Disintegrator

Energy Disruptor: 49,781,601,079, Matter Disruptor: 49,781,601,079

Maneuverability: 67.63, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

NDNZ Hades (Assault Nova Dreadnaught - 337,697,800 tons) [integrity: 227,117,800 / 227,117,800] [shields: 425,614,189,744 /

425,625,000,000] (Green, Timid)

6,000,000 Cargo Bay, 50 Colonial Berthing, 50 Drone Rack, 7,813 Fuel Shuttle, 100,000,000 Fuel Tankage

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 57,000 Mk IV Total Conversion Engine, 1,702,500 Mk IX Force Shield

50,000 Mk VII Standoff Missile, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 1,003 Troop Berthing

Missile: 10,240,000,000

Maneuverability: 59.41, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

STA Elf (Star Tanker - 426,694,800 tons) [integrity: 70,468,080 / 70,468,080] [shields: 125,000,000,000 / 125,000,000,000]

(Green, Timid)

1,000,000 Cargo Bay, 27,344 Fuel Shuttle, 349,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

77,584 Mk IV Total Conversion Engine, 500,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

200 Type D Disintegrator

Energy Disruptor: 352,000,008, Matter Disruptor: 352,000,008

Maneuverability: 64.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [289th] SOX cord (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 454,500] (Green, Timid)

900 Cordellium Composite, 1 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner

Missile Defense: 50.60 %

**DESTROYED** [1229th] SOX cord 1 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 454,500] (Green, Timid)

900 Cordellium Composite, 1 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner

Missile Defense: 50.60 %

**DESTROYED** [195th] SOX cord 2 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 454,500] (Green, Timid)

900 Cordellium Composite, 1 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner

Missile Defense: 50.60 %

Coconutheads Page 10 of 291 Thursday, December 25, 2008 105

**DESTROYED** [1917th] SOX cord 3 (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 504,000] (Green, Timid)

1,000 Cordellium Composite

Missile Defense: 50.60 %

**DESTROYED** [1956th] COZ cord7 (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 50,500] (Green, Timid)

900 Cordellium Composite, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

Missile Defense: 50.60 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1766th] WC Jovi (War Cruiser - 1,478,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 19,244,900] [shields: 0 / 1,600,000] (Line,


900 8cm Gatling CIDS, 40 Battle Imaging System, 326,100 Cordellium Composite, 20,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating

800 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner, 75,000 Fuel Tankage, 15,000 Ghost-Nine Armor Coating, 75 Laser Communications Gear

400 Medium Blast Cannon, 10 Mk I Flux Capacitor, 30 Mk I Long Range Sensor, 10 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

70 Mk I Meson Screen, 34 Mk I thermal Regulator, 3,680 Mk II Fusion Engine, 20 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

30 Mk III Computer System, 1,000 Mk III Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 10 Type A ECM Package

Particle Beam: 3,520,000

ECM: 3.30 %, Flux Capacitance: 0.40 %, Maneuverability: 4.98, Meson Web: 4.90 %, Phase Inversion: 2.70 %

Missile Defense: 49.80 %, Reflective Coating: 18.80 %, Sensors: 2.40 %, Tachyon Grid: 2.70 %

Thermal Regulation: 3.80 %

**DESTROYED** [127th] AUXF Roundup (Fleet Auxiliary - 1,350,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 75,677,000] (Line, Fanatical)

3,000 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner, 100,000 Fuel Tankage, 800 Light Tachyon Blaster, 2,650 Mk III Fusion Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 500,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Particle Beam: 5,632,000

Maneuverability: 7.85, Missile Defense: 49.60 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [730th] MF Cargo 1 (Medium Freighter - 450,100 tons) [integrity: 0 / 5,100] (Green, Timid)

340,000 Cargo Bay, 85,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile Defense: 0.30 %

**DESTROYED** [1946th] MF cargo 1 mill (Medium Freighter - 1,764,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 212,400] (Green, Timid)

1,000,000 Cargo Bay, 400,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,340 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 950 Mk II Antimatter Engine

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 1 Troop Berthing

Maneuverability: 19.23, Missile Defense: 50.10 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1445th] CVA Pisch (Attack Carrier - 1,329,700 tons) [integrity: 0 / 6,742,200] [shields: 0 / 385,000]

(Veteran, Fanatical)

785 6cm Gatling CIDS, 10 Battle Imaging System, 2,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 25 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner

50 Fighter Bay, 100,000 Fuel Tankage, 20 Mk I Long Range Sensor, 20 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

20 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 10 Mk I Space Mine Scanner, 550 Mk II Force Shield, 3,375 Mk II Fusion Engine

20 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 280,000 Selenite Battle Weave, 2 Type A ECM Package

ECM: 0.80 %, Maneuverability: 5.08, Meson Web: 0.30 %, Phase Inversion: 0.30 %, Missile Defense: 43.00 %

Reflective Coating: 0.30 %, Sensors: 3.00 %, Tachyon Grid: 0.30 %, Thermal Regulation: 0.30 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2100th] PSX evre-fighter (Planetary Stronghold - 5,040,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 9,036,360,000] (Green,


20,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 392 Fighter Bay, 1,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1,000,000 Tckon 68

Meson Web: 0.80 %, Phase Inversion: 0.80 %, Reflective Coating: 0.80 %, Tachyon Grid: 0.80 %

Thermal Regulation: 0.80 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 1 Death class NDN

[1] 711 Imp class XB..................................................144 Destroyed

[1] 1 War class NDN

[7] 1 Hades class NDNZ

[12] 1 Elf class STA


Side 2

[1] 300 cord class SOX..................................................300 Destroyed

[1] 100 cord 1 class SOX..................................................100 Destroyed

[1] 400 cord 2 class SOX..................................................400 Destroyed

[1] 850 cord 3 class SOX..................................................850 Destroyed

[1] 300 cord7 class COZ..................................................300 Destroyed

[2] 1 Jovi class WC..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 Roundup class AUXF..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 Cargo 1 class MF..................................................1 Destroyed

[7] 1 cargo 1 mill class MF..................................................1 Destroyed

[10] 1 Pisch class CVA..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 1 evre-fighter class PSX..................................................1 Destroyed


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==-----GATK (Ground Attack)-----

GATK: 31


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----- XXXX [ M (Red) 4 V ] [binary Star System] - 9 -----

COC Coconutheads # 105 'Palm Tree On Field Of Blue'

BCL The Black Cloud # 3067 'A Swirling Black Cloud Enveloping The Galaxy'


From the distance a dark black cloud appears; as it slowly advances, you can make out what appear to be millions of black mosquitoes. As it gets closer yet, you realize they are black flying reptiles with a ravenous look about them….


Fortunately you find yourself in possession of a Mk IX Can-Of-Raid. As the mosquito-like creatures approach, your forces set up a perimeter and blanket the area with the contents of the Can-of-Raid. The mosquito-like creatures quickly succumb to the effects of the Can-Of-Raid and are no more…. Another pest the galaxy has been rid of.


** Table of Organization & Equipment: Black Cloud Is Finished # 31 **


Coconutheads # 105


40 Colonial Settler

24 Combat Engineer

24 EW

24 Fortress

24 Guerrilla

24 Imperial Army Air Force

24 Imperial Army Armor

24 Imperial Army Artillery

24 Imperial Army Heavy Air Defense

24 Imperial Army Heavy Armor

24 Imperial Army Heavy Artillery

24 Imperial Army Heavy Infantry

24 Imperial Army Infantry

24 Imperial Army Mechanized Infantry

24 Imperial Army Special Forces

24 Imperial Army Strategic Bomber

24 Imperial Guards Air Force

24 Imperial Guards Armor

24 Imperial Guards Artillery

24 Imperial Guards Heavy Air Defense

24 Imperial Guards Heavy Armor

24 Imperial Guards Heavy Artillery

24 Imperial Guards Heavy Infantry

24 Imperial Guards Infantry

24 Imperial Guards Security

24 Imperial Guards Special Forces

24 Imperial Guards Strategic Bomber

24 Imperial Marines Air Force

24 Imperial Marines Armor

24 Imperial Marines Heavy Infantry

24 Imperial Marines Infantry

24 Imperial Marines Raiders

24 Imperial Marines Special Forces

24 Intelligence

24 Medical

24 Militia

24 Naval

24 NBC

24 Security

24 Space Defense

24 Transport


Air Defense [1108800] Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Blowpipe Surface-to-Air Missile, Stinger SAM

Air Support [1216800] Attack Helicopter, Helicopter, Jet Bomber, Jet Fighter-Bomber

Air To Air [326400] Jet Fighter, Jet Fighter-Bomber

Ammunition [5694000] Armored Personnel Carrier, Battle Sled, Cargosub, Halftrack

Heavy Halftrack, Heavy Truck, Hovercraft, Skimmer, Tckon Imperial Assault Boat


Amphibious [17820000] Battle Sled, Cargosub, Hovercraft, Skimmer, Tckon Imperial Assault Boat

Antitank [158400] Viper Anti-Tank Guided Missile

Aquatic [66240000] Cargosub, Tckon Imperial Assault Boat

Armor [3801600] Armored Car, Armored Personnel Carrier, Ferret Excavator Tank

Heavy Tank, Light Tank, Scout Tank

Artillery [383520] Long Tom Howitzer, Longbow, M82 Mortar

Biological Defense [28800] Mk I Biological Weapons Defenses, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Biological Weapons [436800] Dangerous Biological Munitions, Harmful Biological Munitions

Broken Terrain [1091200] Ferret Excavator Tank, Halftrack, Heavy Halftrack, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Coconutheads Page 14 of 291 Thursday, December 25, 2008 105

Camouflage [134400] Chameleon Cloak, Sneak Suit, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Chemical Defense [28800] Mk I Chemical Weapons Defenses, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Chemical Weapons [110880] Irritant Agents Chemical Munitions, Long Tom Howitzer

Close Combat [73195200] Ablative Armor, Assault Armor, Battle Armor, Battle Dress, Battleaxe

Chainsaw, Club, Combat Environment Suit, Dagger, Flak Jacket

M75 High Explosive Grenade, Monofilament Blade, Power Blade

Powered Assault Armor, Spear, Sword, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Thermic Lance, Vibroblade

Electronics Warfare [26400] J2 Phantom Jammer

Engineering [2592000] Barbed Wire, Electric Fence, High Explosive Demolition Charge

Minesweeper Tank, Razor Wire

Environmental [8000] ECK

Heavy Weapons [63465600] Battle Sled, Recoilless Rifle, Tckon Imperial Assault Boat

Intelligence [115200] Scout Tank, Smoke Projector, Triton Short Range Sonar

Medical [38400] Mk I Field Hospital

Nuclear Defense [120000] Perimeter Shield, Refuge Shield, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Nuclear Weapons [80472000] Cobalt Fusion Bomb, Fusion Bomb, Hydrogen Bomb, Neutron Bomb

Nuclear Bomb, NW-88 Skyhammer, RXT-34 Fusion Burner, Solar Fusion Generator

Thermo-Atomic Bomb, Tri-Cobalt Fusion Bomb

Open Terrain [2489200] Armored Car, Armored Personnel Carrier, Heavy Halftrack, Heavy Tank

Heavy Truck, Light Tank, Scout Tank, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor


Orbital Bombardment [21600000] Battle Sled, Tckon Imperial Assault Boat

Security [345600] Dartgun, Electric Fence

Small Arms [792000] Carbine, Harpoon Gun, Heavy Carbine, Laser Rifle, Needler, Semiautomatic Pistol


Space Defense [52800] Perimeter Shield, Refuge Shield

Special Weapons [38400] ICE-1, ICE-2

Subterranean [285600] Ferret Excavator Tank, Tckon Imperial Powered Assault Armor

Transport [10788000] Armored Personnel Carrier, Battle Sled, Cargosub, Halftrack

Heavy Halftrack, Heavy Truck, Hovercraft, Skimmer, Tckon Imperial Assault Boat




** Table of Organization & Equipment: 50th expidition # 50 **


The Black Cloud # 3067


1 Imperial Guards Infantry


Close Combat [2700] Ablative Armor, Battleaxe, Chainsaw, Club, Dagger, Flak Jacket

M75 High Explosive Grenade, Spear, Sword

Heavy Weapons [400] Recoilless Rifle

Small Arms [800] Carbine, Harpoon Gun, Semiautomatic Pistol, Shotgun


** Tactical Rating Modifiers **

Air Defense Air Support Air to Air Ammunition Amphibious Antitank Aquatic

+10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10

Armor Artillery Biodefense Bioweapons Broken Terrain Camouflage Chemdefense

+10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10

Chemweapons Close Combat EW Engineering Environmental ESP Heavy Weapons

+10 +30 +10 +10 +10 +0 +10

Intel Medical Nuc Defense Nuc Weapons Open Terrain Orbital Bmb Security

+10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10

Small Arms Space Defense Special Wpns Subterranean Telekinesis Telepathics Transport

+10 +10 +10 +10 +0 +0 +10


Odds: 6859 Total tactical combat odds shifts: 34

Attacking divisions counted as if they were 1 divisions each for casualty purposes

Defending divisions counted as if they were 0.1333333 divisions each for casualty purposes

Ground combat results

Attacker losses: <none>

Defender losses: 1 Imperial Guards Infantry

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Great comment pn the ground combat there Pete :holiday:


What a heavily defended HW :holiday:


But I guess that it is not over yet, as he had to have more troops than that to even get hold of this HW in the first place :D


Looks like its going to be a happy New Year for You and Blendmeanother :wub::santa:

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Great comment pn the ground combat there Pete :holiday:


What a heavily defended HW :santa:


But I guess that it is not over yet, as he had to have more troops than that to even get hold of this HW in the first place :drunk:


Looks like its going to be a happy New Year for You and Blendmeanother :D:D



Actually, Pete didn't add that comment in... I couldn't resist. I wanted to see if anyone actually read it. :wub:


As to more troops, perhaps... but my guess is that one of his allies (perhaps White Shadow, a shipload of who's troops we 'de-orbited' several months back) took over this HW from the Tree Ents, then withdrew to allow this single BCL troop unit to take over. I'm pretty confident that this is the end of BCL :holiday: (though I will never say never).

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