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# 546 The Cyber-Empire


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You have entered Gehenna space. The border fleet in the area is enroute to Baldysh now. Please return to the system you came from to ensure no misunderstandings. The Quad alliance has no problems acknowledging and adhering to agreed borders, but we do not tolerate intruders wandering through our region, a privilege granted to the Quad-alliance and the local defence pact empires only.


Contact me at gehenna1@msn.com to define borders, if that is your intention.

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  • 2 years later...


what ever came of your run in with the cyber empire? just curious if you are still battling with him or not.. if you like you can email me the response so as to not put your business out there. thanks


You have entered Gehenna space. The border fleet in the area is enroute to Baldysh now. Please return to the system you came from to ensure no misunderstandings. The Quad alliance has no problems acknowledging and adhering to agreed borders, but we do not tolerate intruders wandering through our region, a privilege granted to the Quad-alliance and the local defence pact empires only.


Contact me at gehenna1@msn.com to define borders, if that is your intention.

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