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If your shipyard reports that you have a que of 155 ships to be built, can you scrap them and go on with life? If so how?

Never done that before!

Changed your mind, huh? :beer:


The 'Scrap Ship' [sCRP] order shows how. Enter a 'zero' instead of a fleet; but I seem to remember I had to do this twice to get rid of some Pathfinders because [insert appropriate comment of your choice, I made a LOT of mistakes back then] ! :laugh:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Now it's my turn to ask:


Once planted, can a Colony Beacon be removed if you decide the location's not worth the effort?? :blink:


Or are you stuck with it until Advanced Subterranean Domed Atmosphere Creating Axial Tilt Correcting Fully Automated Dwellings become availible?? :(



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Once planted pop groups can't be removed. There is no mechanism within the game to get rid of a pop group. The only possible way is to get Pete to remove it manually, but thus far he has been reluctant to do that, at least for me.


It is all part of the bread crumb trail that you leave around for others to use in finding you. :beer::blink::(

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Once planted pop groups can't be removed. There is no mechanism within the game to get rid of a pop group. The only possible way is to get Pete to remove it manually, but thus far he has been reluctant to do that, at least for me.


It is all part of the bread crumb trail that you leave around for others to use in finding you. :beer::blink::(


Maybe you ran over his dog or something. I've asked to have some excess colonies removed. True, they were all on planets I have taken .. so there was the captured POP group and the one set up to invade with. He got rid of the ones I asked to leaving only one per planet (less mistakes in cargo transports that way). I've never asked to have a POP group I set down on a planet, even temp ones so I could build science buildings to scan an ornery warp point.

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Once planted pop groups can't be removed. There is no mechanism within the game to get rid of a pop group. The only possible way is to get Pete to remove it manually, but thus far he has been reluctant to do that, at least for me.

It is all part of the bread crumb trail that you leave around for others to use in finding you. :beer::cheers::drunk:

I guess I'll just live with it then. Don't want to bug Pete with this when he has Flag Bridge & Turn Result queries stacked up in whatever passes for his in-box. :blink:


Maybe when it's found they'll think 'Crazy enough to colonize that, too crazy for me to mess with'! :blink::blink:



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Maybe when it's found they'll think 'Crazy enough to colonize that, too crazy for me to mess with'! :blink::blink:


You don't have to establish pop groups for us to come to that conclusion. :drunk::cheers:

No, but planting the Beacon BEFORE the CSV can only strengthen the argument! :beer:



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