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Training, experience and espionage


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(1) I tend to agree with limits on BFDU - but can see the ability to flood a city temporarily (eg security). I have seen other suggestions around pushing down to battalion level - which sound interesting and could be a way of adding flavour (Inf Div + HVY Arm Btn). If this was allowed I'd remove BFDU Sec and I'd rather see POL (Police) battalions being created as a formal unit. This should not be handled as other battalions as these might operate independently. They should not count toward force limits. They should count toward per turn build limits. I'd see such units moving around owned provinces shutting down partisans and maintaining order. This would also get around the BFDU / DFDU process that is such a pain.


(2) I would suggest Partisans should be variable not a fixed generation. They should also be variable based on a number of factors. This might include (but not be limited by) national morale (low morale, negative modifier to generation), city pop (high pop, plus modifier to generation), Occupying power attitude (plus or minus depending).


(3) I'd like to see a variable that allows a power that occupies another to choose an attitude - reconciliation to hatred - this would have positive and negative consequences - fewer partisans, more partisans, less resource extraction, more resource extraction. Attitude should be per owner/occupier link


(4) Alliances - I'd like to see a removal of the CL order - the aim of this - to allow TA forces to go throuhg your country should be fixed at source - by allowing TA armies to occupy the same space as a controlled army.


(5) Alliances - Happy to share intelligence - this works well. Less happy over the transfer of treasury out of a country. This should be altered with lend lease mchanism - perhaps retricted to air/arm or cost control points to allow funds transferred.


(6) Drop Out - I'd like to see drop out automatically try to break all current alliances and move them to NAP. I think NPC countries should have a variable agression / build process rate based on their morale.


(7) Research - mentioned elsewhere but I guess hsould be in this topic. My 2p worth. There are plenty of systems out their with tech trees that should allow research by Air/Land/Naval/Economic. My view is that this should operate in the same vein as ANTS. Current tech build sheets show current research - ie 1,1,1,0. I think APD/RPD/Rail upgrade could be folded into this mechanism. I also think that piling research into a specific tree should bring the development of a specific tech by 1, but cost more as the tech advance is harder to get. So if Army =1, Air=1 and Naval=1 then 1 turn = 1 tech advance. However if go Army=3, Air = 0, Naval = 0 then perhaps Army tech increases by 2 and Air and Navy by 0.5, so get better units sooner in 1 tree but slower access elsewhere. The economic one would be harder but could be achieved through priorities. Perhaps a country has a need to be independent in food, or heavy, so placing resource here will increase food in 'n' provinces by 1% or resource in a province by 5% - either shoud be done only where such a resource already exists and is in use.


thats my 2p for today

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to see a limit on EM orders, or at least an in game cost. Right now real life money can buy you loads of EM orders (as long as the number of ordersheets allows it of course) and thus an in game advantage and to me that doesn't feel right.

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  • 3 months later...
I would like to see a limit on EM orders, or at least an in game cost. Right now real life money can buy you loads of EM orders (as long as the number of ordersheets allows it of course) and thus an in game advantage and to me that doesn't feel right.


Perhaps a link between number of Espionage Missions allowed and the nation's Intelligence level?


That thought had crossed my mind as well. Or maybe every nation gets 'espionage points' based on their intelligence level. You can then choose to spend all these points on 1 mission and get a very high chance of success, or spread them out, choose more targets and get a lower chance on each mission.

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