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Who Knows Anything About Math Spreadsheets


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I need help on figured out a math formula I use to convert it over to a math spreadsheet one

Here is a copy of it ((C/XB)/100)A*(1+(XD/M))/100

And one more thing X there will have to have it on line one down the sheet like a1 b1 c1 so on X will change also

and also M will change also and C will also change to


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This is not something that can be easily explained thru a post. I know it sounds rude, but there are great guides on the internet to explain things.

one thing i do notice, you need to be awa red e of order of operations. Without a correct amount of parentheses, you risk dividing your whole formula by 100.

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It is corrected i use it all the time on a calculator i just want to change over to a spreadsheet and it not rude And I'm not world greats try to learn things from video  it took me a lot of time to do the things on a spreadsheet this one has me stump is all

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Now, If you are going to to build a table or similar, this is where VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP come in. I have not the time to explain thru keyboard how to do that. One way I learned was to copy what others in thier work and incorporated it into my sheet. I was lucky to have a job that required me to use Excel so I was able to apply what I learned at home and at work.

I made a character sheet for robotech. I will shit you not I spent at least 3 months writing and formatting and fixing errors. Great learning experience.

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