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Running the SuperNova applications on your Mac

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Hi everyone,

After months of running the SuperNova Turn Entry application and the SNFindPath application inside of a virtual machine on my Mac (e.g. Parallels, VMWare fusion, VirtualBox, or other similar programs), and finding the whole process painfully slow to boot Windows on a Mac, and then run the applications within that virtual environment, I spent some time this week getting these applications working on a Mac using CrosssOver by CodeWeavers. This is a commercial version of the open source WINE project, which allows you to run Windows application on a Mac (or Linux) without having to install Windows. CodeWeavers costs $39.95, but you can try it for 14 days for free to confirm that it is working for you. I tried to get this all to work in the open source project WINE directly on a Mac without having to pay a license fee to CodeWeavers, but I ran into a set of problems that CrossOver fixed, and this is well worth the cost for me to run these applications on my Mac.

I am now running the SuperNova applications on my Mac. They are considerably faster than before, and I no longer have to wait for Windows to boot up. I click the apps on my Mac, and they open in a few seconds.

I am looking for some other Mac users who play SuperNova to test my installation instructions before I post them here for everyone. Please reach out to me via private message on the forums with your email address and I will send you my installation instructions to test out.

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