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New Convoy Route Order?

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An open note to Pete, and requesting comments and thoughts.


Would it be possible to create an order which could be included in a convoy route which would automagically kick the fleet in the route out of it at a given point? Enabling 'Go to this planet, drop supplies, and come back just once' convoy routes?


Or can this already be done using currently available orders?


-Sha'thar, daughter of Bastet. :robot:

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Take the fleet off of Convoy duty is a good idea - will look into it.


Adding orders can be done - you do it the same way you created the Convoy Route: start recording, add orders, stop recording. They go at the end, with priority #'s number in 10's following the highest #'d one already there. You can then resequence them by changing priority #'s as needed, and/or deleting already-existing orders to be replaced by a new one.

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Wow, I missed that. Rereading the supplement I now see it....


"Orders recorded into a Convoy Route begin with a Priority of 10 and increment by 10’s as new orders are added. If you have an already-existing Convoy Route and later add new orders to it, those orders will be appended to the end of the Convoy Route. The first such order added to the end would have a Priority number 10 higher than the highest-Priority order already in the Route, and subsequently added orders would continue to increment their Priorities by 10’s."

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On the "run it once thing" Pete might that become something like


CONV fleet# convname priority# numberoftimestorun#


in these days of much better engines that would so enhance the ability to coordinate the higher AP ships.


I like:


CONV 123 colony1run 0 4


so much better than


CONV 123 colony1run 0

CONV 123 colony1run 0

CONV 123 colony1run 0

CONV 123 colony1run 0


but to also allow for:

CONV 123 colony1run 0

CONV 123 colony1arun 0

CONV 123 colony1brun 0

CONV 123 colony7run 0

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How about new order type CINT (Convoy Interrupt):


CINT, convoy name, priority number



orders to go off and do something else this game turn only



CINT, convoy name


... where "priority number" is the number of the Convoy Order at which the interruption takes place, and where the convoy orders resume when the interruption orders have completed. The 2nd CINT is to end the list of "orders to go off and do something else this game turn only".


Waddya think?


Limey O'Riley


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We talked about this some time in the past.


If the convoy route ended in the command

conv 999 none

That would kick the fleet out of the convoy route and make it a 1 way trip.



But of conv is a valid cnvr command, then RTG may have to protect against some possible abuses of this such as:


cnvr routenumber1






conv 999 routenumber2

cnvr routenumber1


cnvr routenumber2




conv 999 routenumber3

cnvr routenumber2


cnvr routenumber3




conv 999 routenumber1

cnvr routenumber3

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