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Fast game

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You have 15 day and 21 day games. What would you say about a 8 or 10 day turn around game.


Who would like to try this?


I know I would. What do you all say out there in Vic. land!

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Hello Piontman,


A game with a turn cycle of only 8 days leaves you too little time to share intel with your TAs. As you normally have to wait 2 or 3 days for your turn results to come back, you don't have enough time.


If turn results are returned in just 1 day, it is possible to play such a game with a short turn cycle.


Just some thoughts...



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Hi Norbert,


Thanks for your input.


Yes I realize that it would be tough.

Well for Russ it would be tough. :drunk: Do to the other games that he has going.

But I have faith in him to get things done on time in such a game. :unsure:


Russ is a very professional person and does the best he can at any given time. :cheers:


But if the game turns are back on time it would work out great. :cheers:


Well anyone else have input?

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So Russ would you be able to get the turns out on the day they are to process on?


That seem to be the big ?......... :cheers:


I think you could do it. :drunk:


But I am most always upbeat. :unsure:

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  • 4 weeks later...

For a faster game, perhaps the processing dates could be the usual 15 days apart, but if all turn orders are submitted early, they are processed early and the next turn is 15 days later, etc.


This would allow the game to run much faster some or all of the time if all players are getting their turns done quickly.


So, some turns might be done in as little as... 3-5 days? others might take the full 15, but the game as a whole could run much quicker.

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So Russ would you be able to get the turns out on the day they are to process on?

I think the reason that RTG has for delaying the process for two days is so that they can actually take WEEKENDS off! Come on. These guys deserve a break too....


I think that the way that it is set up currently is probably the only real way for the game to run at its peak speed... the previous omment about not getting intel from your Total Allies is also a HUGE thing and immediate turn-around would be beyond the pale for the RTG staff... esp. now that Carol has been gone so long with her new (well sort of new) child.


Ace Reporter

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I totally agree. Russ deserves his weekends just like the rest of us. I suspect he's working in most weekends anyway..... Maybe in the next version of Victory! they can try to automate the turn processing, so that we upload our turns and they get processed immediately. Then we can talk about shorter turn cycles. Of course this is not easy (think about the need for automatic billing as well) but it might be worth a try.



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