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Warp bubble size


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Can I ask a newb question regarding warp bubble size.


I have ships in my fleet with large warp bubble size and know from the combat primer that this affects how they come through the warp point, i.e. the more ships of a lower bubble size them more you can fit through in any given round.


My question is how does this affect, if at all, normal fleet movement through a warp point where there is no combat?


Can a fleet of warp bubble size 50 ships still move through a warp point in one turn?


Humble Chief Scientist for Emperor Tours.



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Can I ask a newb question regarding warp bubble size.


I have ships in my fleet with large warp bubble size and know from the combat primer that this affects how they come through the warp point, i.e. the more ships of a lower bubble size them more you can fit through in any given round.


My question is how does this affect, if at all, normal fleet movement through a warp point where there is no combat?


Can a fleet of warp bubble size 50 ships still move through a warp point in one turn?


Humble Chief Scientist for Emperor Tours.



Technically, your ships always travel through the Warp Point based on their Warp Bubble size and Line placement within the Fleet. But the answer to your questions are:


1) It doesn't affect non-combat movement.

2) Any size Warp Bubble [ship] can fit through any size Warp Point at this time.


-SK :drunk:

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