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Did your Attrition Change Drastically?


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Not only did several colonies just have their attrition change DRASTICALLY, but even the normal ones, who gain a pop, lose a pop, had buildings collapse because of it, when normally its just status quo.

We are aware of the attrition problem and Pete is looking into it now.



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Yep - looking into it. I'd prefer to avoid re-running end turn adjustments if possible (that would change your scientist random hits, for instance) but might have to. I'll wait for now to see how many were affected, and if spot fixing it will be effective or not.

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I got hit very hard as well. Some colonies even had spare pop to handle any problems that might come up. They got chewed up and I still lost buildings...


I am glad to see I did not lose any Fission Power Plants this time. :blink:

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Yep - looking into it. I'd prefer to avoid re-running end turn adjustments if possible (that would change your scientist random hits, for instance) but might have to. I'll wait for now to see how many were affected, and if spot fixing it will be effective or not.

I wouldnt want to lose my science breakthrough. I don't get them often as is. But I took a pretty heavy hit since I have a lot of colonies, and some aren't small.

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