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GS Session 3 Results


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Here ye, here ye: One empire, one vote. The 21-member Senate has deliberated and cast their votes. The following new Bylaws are effective immediately. The official text of each Bylaw has been properly recorded in the official Galactic Senate record. Senators please check your votes. Praise to all who participated in this third session of the Galactic Senate.







SECRETARY-SENATOR Simplification of Piracy-Bill

GS BILL 070204-3-01


Whereas three bills were presented on piracy in the Second Session, none of them to be exclusive, the Secretary-Senator proposes to consolidate definitions to present a more precise definition of Piracy.


The Hannibal Anti-Piracy Act reads as follows:


The Galactic Senate declares piracy as a strictly illegal activity. No empire is allowed to steal or capture property belonging to another empire, unless under a declared state of war. Piracy is not in keeping with the Senate’s stated goals. Any empire found by the Galactic Senate to be engaging in piracy, will be branded as an outlaw empire. All empires, both in and out of the Galactic Senate are free to engage, indeed encouraged to engage, an outlaw empire wherever it is found to exist.


The Hannibal-Logion Anti-Piracy Bill reads as follows:


The Galactic Senate declares piracy as a strictly illegal activity. No empire is allowed to steal or capture property belonging to another empire, unless under a declared state of war. Piracy is not in keeping with the Senate’s stated goals. Any empire found by the Galactic Senate to be engaging in piracy, will be branded as an outlaw empire. All empires, both in and out of the Galactic Senate are free to engage, indeed encouraged to engage, an outlaw empire wherever it is found to exist.


Piracy is defined as the act of intentionally attacking, raiding, blockading, bombarding, extorting, or plundering of any thing of value, actively run by a real player, without provocation or legitimate justification. Piracy shall not be deemed to include the capturing of legitimate prize during times of just war, nor shall it include the confiscation of contraband or tariffs by customs and revenue authorities provided the collection of same is openly and conspicuously announced beforehand and the territorial scope of such collection is specifically and intelligably defined.


The liberation of contraband from a known pirate shall not itself be deemed piracy. Whenever possible, stolen property should be returned to its former owners. The liberator of stolen goods may keep 30% of any liberated goods as a salvage fee.


The Hannibal-Queen Mother definition reads as follows:


The Galactic Senate declares piracy as a strictly illegal activity. No empire is allowed to steal or capture property belonging to another empire, unless under a declared state of war. Piracy is not in keeping with the Senate’s stated goals. Any empire found by the Galactic Senate to be engaging in piracy, will be branded as an outlaw empire. All empires, both in and out of the Galactic Senate are free to engage, indeed encouraged to engage, an outlaw empire wherever it is found to exist.


Definition of Piracy:  Commiting an act of larceny in the space lanes of senate territory.


Whereby it be in the best interests of public disclosure to combine all three Bylaws into one, in no way changing the original spirit and intent of the three Bylaws concerning the acts of Piracy, this Bylaw will amend the three into one, namely:



Combined through subsequent Bylaw


The Galactic Senate declares piracy as a strictly illegal activity. No empire is allowed to steal or capture property belonging to another empire, unless under a declared state of war. Piracy is not in keeping with the Senate’s stated goals. Any empire found by the Galactic Senate to be engaging in piracy, will be branded as an outlaw empire. All empires, both in and out of the Galactic Senate are free to engage, indeed encouraged to engage, an outlaw empire wherever it is found to exist.


Piracy is defined as the act of intentionally attacking, raiding, blockading, bombarding, extorting, or plundering of any thing of value, actively run by a real player, without provocation or legitimate justification. Piracy shall not be deemed to include the capturing of legitimate prize during times of just war, nor shall it include the confiscation of contraband or tariffs by customs and revenue authorities provided the collection of same is openly and conspicuously announced beforehand and the territorial scope of such collection is specifically and intelligably defined.  Additionally, piracy also includes the commission of any act of larceny in the space lanes of senate territory.


The liberation of contraband from a known pirate shall not itself be deemed piracy. Whenever possible, stolen property should be returned to its former owners. The liberator of stolen goods may keep 30% of any liberated goods as a salvage fee.


Vote Record


YEA: 1728, 760, 1006, 4579, 2372, 82, 4933, 2084, 3343, 54, 3857, 2996, 1773, 2159

NAY: 4851


DEFAULT ABSTAIN: 1351, 500, 1290, 3062, 2516, 2296









GS BILL 070904-3-02


A Bill to facilitate and encourage the dedication of Neutral Zone Systems by allowing for a centralized system of promulgation.


Whereas Act 2:06 as amended has been passed overwhemingly by the Galactic Senate;


Whereas Senators have already begun to publically proclaim systems which are dedicated to public use as neutral zone systems; and


Whereas pirates and brigands have caused a chill on further dedication because of their basesless threats of violence;


The Galactic Senate hereby reiterates its member's collective commitment to the Neutral Zone regime and the cultivation of intersteller commerce and goodwill.


Be it enacted, therefore, that a centralized system for the promulgation of neutral zone systems be created and that a worthy member of the Senate be appointed to collect from members those systems which they intend to voluntarily disclose for public use.


Any member of the Senate may provided the Promulgater of Neutral Zone Systems with a list off all systems not claimed as sovereign for inclusion in the list of Neutral Zone Systems. Non-members may also provide the Promulgator with similar lists, but must confirm the existence of the systems by also providing the Promulgator with whatever proof the Promulgator deems necessary and sufficient to guarantee the actual existence of the system. Once collected the Promulgator shall make a weekly or bi-weekly post listing all neutral zone systems so dedicated and declaring them free and open to all Spacefareing Sentients. Care shall be taken to order these Neutral Zone Sytems in a coherent fashion and in a manner that will not hint at the identity of the member or non-member that dedicated the system.


It shall be an offence against the Senate for the Promulgator to disclose the identity of any member or non-member dedicating neutral zone systems. Only the system names themselves shall be promulgated and all other information must be held in the strictist confidence. It shall also be an offense for any member or non-member to knowingly present to the Promulgator a fraudulent or otherwise made-up system name. It will be the duty of the dedicating member or non-member to insure the correct spelling of system names. Should an error be discovered in the promulgated list of Neutral Zone Systems the provider should promptly contact the Promulgator and have the error corrected.


Any claims to sovereignty over any world or system located within the Neutral Zone shall be presented to the Promulgator who shall then present the claim to Galactic Senate on behalf of the claimant along with any evidence provided in support of that claim in the form of a Bill. This will preserve the privacy of the claimant. The Galactic Senate will then vote on the merits of the claim. If the Senate approves the application then that world or system shall be publically declared sovereign and not a free and open system by the Promulgator.


Vote Record


YEA: 1728, 3857, 1773, 82, 760

NAY: 2159

ABSTAIN: 4851, 2996, 2296

DEFAULT ABSTAIN: 1351, 500, 1290, 3062, 2516, 1006, 4579, 2372, 4933, 2084, 3343, 54



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