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Terrestrial or no? just curious


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how many peeps actually started on a terrestrial?

and how often do you guys find them?


i have 2 in my homesystem one is my h-world and the other is just kinda there.


and if it's a hot terrestrial does that mean it's more difficult than a regualr terrestrial?

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how many peeps actually started on a terrestrial?

and how often do you guys find them?


i have 2 in my homesystem one is my h-world and the other is just kinda there.


and if it's a hot terrestrial does that mean it's more difficult than a regualr terrestrial?

Depends on how you spent those start-up points. If you took high temp resistance than it'll be no problem.


Haven't explored that much yet, so wouldn't know how common they are.

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I started on a terrestrial. There are quite a few of them in my sector of space. I've found that many of the moons are more colonizable for me than the terrestrials are. But that is probably just me. It really depends a lot on your own HW's stats. :P

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You will have to do a CSV, to determine if you want to colonize. Keep all the data handy as later as you pick up new installations you may go back and change your mind. For example Domed cities cancel out Atmosphere problems. So if on the CSV, atm was the only reason you did not colonize, then now you can. Also do GEO, because if there is nothing good there to mine, then the colony is not worth the effort.

Atmosphere is the easiest problem to fix, so do not just check out planets with the same atmophere.

you also need to do PMAP, to see if there are people there, and find out important things like temperature.

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Remember do not do an orb order unless you find a neutral using the PMAP or you have done some expl orders and want to see how much exploration has been done. Do not do a orb early in the game unless you find a neutral.




Richard Johns


Currently at war with

Pheonix Arisen Alliance

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