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Declaration of War

System Lord Ra

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I, Apophis, System Lord for our God Ra do hereby declare war on the Romans on behalf of the Go'ald. We find it reprehensible that their ships destroyed our unarmed space exploration vessel. We are willing to consider a cessation of hostilities if public apology is provided and reperations are immediately delivered.






----- SHAI [ F (Yellow-White) 8 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 26420 -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Roman Empire # 760 [Golden Eagle Enshrouded By A Wreath Of Olive Branches]

Fleet 510 [ROE: U] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 388,400) ...

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Go'ald # 3841 [Jaws Devouring A Sun With Vines Wrapping The Sun]

106th Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 97,400) ...

Side 1: Roman Empire # 760 Fire Control: 230,000

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

CL Maniple (Light Cruiser - 194,200 tons) [integrity: 469,200] [shields: 67,500] (Green, Timid)

100 20cm Autocannon, 1,000 6cm Gatling CIDS, 10 Battle Imaging System, 5 Fuel Shuttle, 5,000 Fuel Tankage

25 Mk I Computer System, 225 Mk I Force Shield, 25 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine

1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 50 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 125 Mk IV Short Range Torpedo, 40,000 Titanium Composite Armor

5 Type A Defense Screen, 5 Type A ECM Package

Missile: 500,000, Projectile: 44,000

ECM: 0.128, Maneuverability: 0.001, Point Defense: 1.029, Screens: 0.128, Sensors: 0.128

CL Maniple (Light Cruiser - 194,200 tons) [integrity: 469,200] [shields: 67,500] (Green, Timid)

Side 2: The Go'ald # 3841 Fire Control: 10,000

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] XS Kal Athra (Express Ship - 97,400 tons) [integrity: 77,400] (Green, Timid)

1 Battle Imaging System, 2 Fuel Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor

500 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 1,000 Reflective Armor Coating, 5,000 Standard Hull Plate

Maneuverability: 10.266, Reflective Coating: 0.051

A Roman Empire Manicle hammers a Go'ald Kal Athra in the Shai system.

A weapon's effectiveness drops off by 10% per Deploy Location after its maximum normal range. Point Blank class weapons

drop off by 20% per Deploy Location, but have a higher base damage if firing from Deploy Location 1. The bonus is included

in the damage output value listed next to the ship's weapons, above.

Missiles/Torpedos : Point Blank [1], Short [2], Medium [5], Long [8], Standoff [10] (all 10% dropoff)

Other : Standard [1] (10% dropoff), Point Blank [1] (20% dropoff, bonus from [1])

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Hmmm something i dont quite understand. If the destroyed vessel was unarmed why in the world

would it be equipped with computers and a battle imgaging system? Just doesnt make sense to

our naval designers.

Oh Great Honored One.... :(


Would it make more sense if you were quite clear that this is yet another puppet of the Infamous Pirate - acting in concert with the Eyre and getting their fingers burnt....? :lol:


Lord High Seneschal to Ur-Lord Tedric

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System Lord Ra (aka Erie) Posted on Oct 24 2004, 11:08 AM

I, Apophis, System Lord for our God Ra do hereby declare war on the Romans on behalf of the Go'ald. We find it reprehensible that their ships destroyed our unarmed space exploration vessel. We are willing to consider a cessation of hostilities if public apology is provided and reperations are immediately delivered.

Nuts, Apophis. Did I forget to declare war on you as the Erie puppet? :( In all the fluff posted by your "ally", we must have been too busy to respond. There are so many Erie and Go'ald ships ignoring our space, it's so hard to keep track. :cheers: We're really sorry about that unfortunate incident--because you've impacted the way we view this incident, we're recalling the medals we presented to the crew. It is reprehensible...all those innocents dying in a system long known to you as Roman space.


Cessation of hostilities? Hmmm...ok. You and Erie leave Shai System (since it is Roman space) and send us a bill. We'll have our accountants look at it toot-sweet. We're sure you weren't mapping out any WPs or planning any attacks. You're such a sweet guy. We await news of your good will toward cessation by withdrawing your ships from our space. If that happens, we will of course consider your submission of claim for the losses you incurred.

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