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Religious Installations


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Hi all,


Well, I've got a few extra order spots available and thought about building religious installations and want your inputs please.


Religious (Cathedral, Temple, Shrine, Mission): On my setup, it says for maximum effect, build 1 per 100pops. On the HW, with 500,000+ pops, that's over 5000 of each. That amounts to a big chunk of CM's. My questions are:

1) Has anyone build these installations?

2) If yes, have you built on the order of 1 installation per 100 pops? More? Less?

3) If yes, what effects have you seen? Do you 'get' things (increased production, random tech advances, etc)?

4) Does this aspect of the game function, or is it turned off currently?

5) Is the effect of one "Cathedral" equal to multiple temples, shrines or missions? Is it better to build a mix of these, or focus on one only?



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My questions are:

1) Has anyone build these installations?

2) If yes, have you built on the order of 1 installation per 100 pops? More? Less?

3) If yes, what effects have you seen? Do you 'get' things (increased production, random tech advances, etc)?

4) Does this aspect of the game function, or is it turned off currently?

5) Is the effect of one "Cathedral" equal to multiple temples, shrines or missions? Is it better to build a mix of these, or focus on one only?



1) Yes.

2) Yes at the 1 per 100 pop level, but only at my major colonies. Building at that level on a hw is probhibitive, I think.

3) Yes, I have seen an effect. My priests pray to various gods. Specifically, to the gods whose temples I have found through EXPL orders.

4) Well, the priests do something with regard to gaining favor with various gods, through prayers. And I understand that favor with the gods somehow links into the ground strength of some exotic divisions. Beyond that...???

5) No data.



(aka Arcane Services, Inc.)

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We also have lots of religious leaders and installations. We don't have 1/100 yet, but we should withing the next couple turns (lots of conmats freed up by upgrading ICs and stripmines).

One of the major effects of religious leaders are production boosts, and we've gotten a lot more once we started our building push.

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I originally built up the Religious Facilities on my Home World, but eventually dismantled them in favor of Strip Mines and Industrial Complexes.


I think you also have to have 2nd or 3rd Gen Social Sciences to make full use of religion.


I'm fully constructing 1/100 of all the Religious Facilities on my colonies. I am also placing Religious Leaders at the colonies. No noticable benafit as of yet, but I'm waiting on the advanced Social Sciences with much anticipation.

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I have just one small mission on the home world and had 18 religious hits this turn. Amazing number actually. I routinely get 10 a turn.




- this is for the colony. They eyre of course are heathen pirates and have never seen a hit other than when we sacrifice Valkor ship captains (and we seem to be getting a lot of them lately)

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I originally built up the Religious Facilities on my Home World, but eventually dismantled them in favor of Strip Mines and Industrial Complexes.


I think you also have to have 2nd or 3rd Gen Social Sciences to make full use of religion.


I'm fully constructing 1/100 of all the Religious Facilities on my colonies. I am also placing Religious Leaders at the colonies. No noticable benafit as of yet, but I'm waiting on the advanced Social Sciences with much anticipation.

What you truly want is Social Engineering, if you really want to have fun with Religion, Fanatics, etc.


-SK :ranting:

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Ah.  :ranting:  You'd think I would know the difference between Science  :ranting:  and Engineering.  :ranting:


Sometimes you have to point out the obvious to us abstract thinkers.  :taz:


It's okay. You need both Engineers and Scientists to get things done. One dreams it up, the other gives it form. In SN:ROTE, Science precedes Engineering.


Science ---> :taz: <---- Engineering


-SK :taz:

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