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Turn processing

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in Holland we used to play Victory a little different.

Let me descibe how: In victory ther each turn has a intreval of 15 days. only once those 15 day you can process a turn and get production and results form them. (Here is the difference) But in Holland you needed to have at least 10 day between a turn. This made it possible for one to move trough the turn... So making processing and information sharing a bit more strategic. Is it possible to start a game with this processing option?


Hope you understand my babling...





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Having played with the 'Dutch' system for a couple of games, I have to say I also prefer the 10/14 cycle. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it will produce more work for you? (Besides the 7% you would expect from going to a 14 day cycle instead of 15.)



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Going to a 14-day cycle interval isn't a problem - the Advance Start Game special game will be a 14-day interval and I'm thinking I might start going with 14-day intervals as the default - one less day to plot and plan your game moves but easier to plan when you'll be doing your turns since the day of the week can be constant (i.e. always on a Friday, etc.). I can't change the interval for ongoing games but setting it to 14 days is relatively easy for new games.


I'll think about the 10-day between turn/1 turn per cycle system. My initial reaction is not favorable but I'll keep thinking about it.



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a few advantages:

- working with a 14 day turn interval and in this the restriction of having atleast 10 day's appart in a turn give you the oppertunity to miss a few days once in a while, and make up for it. :thumbsup:

- It gives allies the opertunity to closly coordinate thier turn strategie without losing turns.

- Shifting in turns is much easier

- and RTG won't miss out on turn processing fee's any more. B)

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