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Interesting developments in Baltic... that's Hungary's golden goose over there...currently 4 known Hungarian armies in northwest Germany... apparently Not protecting the rear and throwing everything at us!

That's too bad Denmark and Britain still have a lot of fight left...

Is Iceland gonna play this game or just sit at home and make ☃️!

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Nah I just don't like neighbors who attack me...

Which is why it's no fun when a neighbour one has a deal with (Norway) breaks that deal to attack (Hungary).


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, the Dutch leader has been caught wanting. His Junkers were just dismantled the hard way, his supplies are lost, his capital taken. Caught wanting might be to simple a description. He's caught with his pants down, his shoelaces tied, hanging from some chains while his mistress is whipping him. His country has been conquered and plundered, his troops all destroyed.


His closest ally France is scrambling back with all his troops, giving room for Austrian and Rumanian troops to advance, heading for the French border.

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Well alliances aren't usually meant to last the whole game. It is usually an agreement for both parties to deal with other threats. Of course you hope you are always the one to be the one ready to break said alliance first...

Unlucky for you guys Norway was ready first...

While Lowlands may be gone don't be so quick to declare victory...you guys still have a long fight ahead.

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Well alliances aren't usually meant to last the whole game. It is usually an agreement for both parties to deal with other threats. Of course you hope you are always the one to be the one ready to break said alliance first...

Unlucky for you guys Norway was ready first...


There was a gentlemen agreement between Hungary and Norway not to fight each other, that two turns prior to hostiles the other team would be informed, no formal Alliance in place.

That agreement was broken so the scandinavian players can't be trusted to their word.

That is what happend.

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Ya that's not cool

Victory is a small circle of people you don't want a reputation you can't be trusted

You mean like when you tell some one you and your team will do a PAP ALL with them when that some one is ready to do them. Then you and your team turn around and all do PAP ALL's with that some one's adversary instead.

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Ya not sure if your speaking to me I was putting in an alliance for Jordan this turn, orders have been tight just had back surgery so I've been trying to do as few turn sheets as possible as I'm out of work 6-8 weeks with no income..I'm not really following what's going on in Africa/Middle East but all the alliances I have in place are from the start of the game...my allies allied with people helping fight this strong European block we are fighting....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Why is Hungary so scared. Running around Germany with five armies afraid to try to eliminate the British army at Marne. Trying to bait me out after three turns you think you would get the hint it ain't happening dude. Your going to have to earn it..

And what's up with Czech in lowlands didn't even take xLiege with an army in the province??? Well I can't blame you for not wanting to get too close to the French? I hear their woman don't even shave...??

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