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Gas Giants as homeworlds?


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No on the Gas giant, but if you would like to see a stupid set-up:


  2 worlds in home system, both High Temp, racial design--- High Temp. sensitive.


  Home world atmosphere---- Ionized Metals???  :cheers:

  Oceans--- Molten Zinc???    :)


  Whats up with this?  :drunk:


                                                  Kahless :cheers:  :pirate2:  :ranting:


Whats wrong with that? You cannot colonized worlds a lot hotter than your homeworld,

but that seems unlikely.


Your are sensitive to temp higher than your homeworld, or does I get something completely wrong?


Ok, the creatures on that kind of homeworld would be extremley interesting. :-)



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No on the Gas giant, but if you would like to see a stupid set-up:


   2 worlds in home system, both High Temp, racial design--- High Temp. sensitive.


   Home world atmosphere---- Ionized Metals???   :blink:

   Oceans--- Molten Zinc???    :laugh:


   Whats up with this?  :)


                                                   Kahless :taz:  :oops:  :ranting:


Whats wrong with that? You cannot colonized worlds a lot hotter than your homeworld,

but that seems unlikely.


Your are sensitive to temp higher than your homeworld, or does I get something completely wrong?


Ok, the creatures on that kind of homeworld would be extremley interesting. :-)



Whats wrong with that? Cestvel, after looking at a few hundred or thousand planets, moons etc and finding none of which were an Ionized Metal atmosphere, It would seem totally beyound reason to start an empire knowing in advance that if I wanted to colonize any worlds or moons I would need to wait until such time as I would be able to build structures which will reduce the attrition caused by atmosphere. These would probably include Domed and Sub. cities.

It would seem to me that if the powers that be actually want to increase the number of empires in the game, they would at the least insure that set-ups are viable, based on the racial design.

I realise I can drop this one and do another one for another $10.00, and the money is not that important, however it has long been my contention that if I am going to get sc-----, I at least would like to be kissed. :)

Do I enjoy playing this game-- a resounding--YES. :cheers:


Kahless :taz:

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I have found some Hot Planets with Ionized Metals. But that is only atmosphere.

This would be taken care of with Domed Cities. And the HW-System seems to have at least

one colonizable world. And your taken penalty (high temp sensitive) would be of *no* worry for that

race. It is some kind of nice setup, so I do not really understand your rant. Sure, asteroids would be

a greater problem to colonize, but even my cold races have not undergone this adventure.



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I have found some Hot Planets with Ionized Metals. But that is only atmosphere.

This would be taken care of with Domed Cities. And the HW-System seems to have at least

one colonizable world. And your taken penalty (high temp sensitive) would be of *no* worry for that

race. It is some kind of nice setup, so I do not really understand your rant. Sure, asteroids would be

a greater problem to colonize, but even my cold races have not undergone this adventure.




Must be a Klingon thing- OK, you'd have to research Domed Cities anyway, but most races I'm assuming do this.


My homeworld is 90K. The other planets that I've so far found are around 273K or higher.



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Wouldn't those planets be IDEAL for a high temp sensitive race?


First off, I thought that those were all fluff and that they simply modified your overall colonization bonus, not that you were actually high temp sensitive, but even if you were, then the high temp would be relative to your original homeworld.


So... for you, high temp would be living on a world hotter than flowing magma. Well, that's kinda hard to find, so pretty much everything you run into is going to be LOWER than your original homeworld. PERFECT for the high temp sensitive race, no?

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So... for you, high temp would be living on a world hotter than flowing magma. Well, that's kinda hard to find, so pretty much everything you run into is going to be LOWER than your original homeworld. PERFECT for the high temp sensitive race, no?


I would think the answer to that question would lie in the CSVs. I am sure that Kahless has done some CSVs to test that hypothesis. Frankly if you need a high temp world they are pretty rare. I have found four or five so far out of about 100 surveyed (not counting gas giants). For my race this has been a good thing as we love it cold but I can see that this would cause an issue for a hot world race.

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High temp or Low temp sensitive, it doesn't matter. Both have the exact same impact on your colonization abilities. The result in a negative racial colonization bonus which does not change no matter the temp of the world you are trying to settle. As a matter of fact, when I asked Pete to resend me my races set-ups as I had lost them, the one race simply had listed Temp. Sensitive. Not high or low, just temp sensitive (as thats all it really is). I think (well, hope) Pete has it on his list to eventually change those high/low racial items to one choice in the set-up guide.


Of course, the problem with having a Homeworld with a real high or real low (110 Kelvin like mine) temp is finding worlds in your temp range is more difficult. The items that will change that (like Deep Core Sink) are costly to build and power (as they should be). On the plus side, if the enemy ever gets to your HW, boy are their troops going to be at a disadvantage while fighting ("Sir, the enemy forces are melting!" "Don't you mean melting away as in retreating Sgt?" "No sir, they are actually melting into little puddles of goo from the heat").

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