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TAS Question


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Just a quick check with anyone who can verify the legility of an order I want to submit. Is it leagal to TAS a enemy ground unit in a Port city via the sea IF a nuetral country occupies the province?


Fictional Example:


Can I order a TAS on xLondon:


OMA 6 TAS calais Eng3 xlondon

IF london is held by Spain who I am not at war with??


My ships fly in from the sea to the enemy port and never cross the nuetral held province .....right????



While I am questioning the way the world works......how did the game rules ever allow a AK to carry say 500 fuel but not 500 PET??? A barrel of fluid is a barrel of fluid.

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Hello Warmastrer,


I think it is possible to strike a portcity. It is a legal path to enter the city, so I do not see any problems in applying this type of attack.


I have never tried this tactic, so perhaps someone has experience in this.



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I think it is legal. You can certainly invade a port directly from the sea even if the surrounding lands are nuetral and I know you can coastal bombard the city, so I don't see why you couldn't TAS from the sea zone. Let us know if it is successful'


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  • 1 month later...


While I am questioning the way the world works......how did the game rules ever allow a AK to carry say 500 fuel but not 500 PET???  A barrel of fluid is a barrel of fluid.



Not quite an answer for you, but a FUEL is 1/10 of a PET in game load considerations.


If you verify the rules, you'll see that 1 point of PET is equivilant to 10 tons of petroleum. While 1 point of FUEL is 1/10 ton, of deisel, or gasoline, or lubricants, or hay (for the cavalry units), or whatever you fancy.



I had asked something similar, in Game #74.


Now if your talking about barrels (like I was); go here.

Specifically, look at post #318.




Krysia's Krusader

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  • 4 weeks later...
Can I order a TAS on xLondon:


OMA 6 TAS calais Eng3 xlondon

IF london is held by Spain who I am not at war with??


My ships fly in from the sea to the enemy port and never cross the nuetral held province .....right????


That is correct. When attacking a port city from the sea the port is considered to border the sea zone as well as it's home province. Unlike with land locked cities where the city is considered to be in the middle of the home province.


This allows for coastal bombardments, air strikes, amphibious landings, and all other non-combat things as long as you come from the sea zone to the port city.


Russ: Correct me if I'm wrong. B)



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  • 1 year later...
Can I order a TAS on xLondon:


OMA 6 TAS calais Eng3 xlondon

IF london is held by Spain who I am not at war with??


My ships fly in from the sea to the enemy port and never cross the nuetral held province .....right????


That is correct. When attacking a port city from the sea the port is considered to border the sea zone as well as it's home province. Unlike with land locked cities where the city is considered to be in the middle of the home province.


This allows for coastal bombardments, air strikes, amphibious landings, and all other non-combat things as long as you come from the sea zone to the port city.


Russ: Correct me if I'm wrong. :ph34r:






Hear Ye! Hear Ye!


A situation has finally arose that has proven this question once and for all.


Note the following error message on this order:



OMA ms 6 lw xxx xxx xxxx Bla16 xSamsun

Samsun is considered an impassable location




Please note this order has worked on two other occasions but NOW some Friendly soul has taken the province! The city/port has not changed hands and is still held by my enemy. I can't bombard the port even though I came from the sea.


The case is now closed but I disagree with the computer programing that did not allow this order to process.

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Note the following error message on this order:



OMA ms 6 lw xxx xxx xxxx Bla16 xSamsun

Samsun is considered an impassable location




Please note this order has worked on two other occasions but NOW some Friendly soul has taken the province! The city/port has not changed hands and is still held by my enemy. I can't bombard the port even though I came from the sea.


The case is now closed but I disagree with the computer programing that did not allow this order to process.



Given the above revelation. Does anyone think an amphibious assualt on xSansum would have worked if I tried? My guess is that if aircraft cannot get into a port if a friendly nation holds the province then a amphibous assualt would not work.

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The amphibious assault will work, as you will come directly from the sea into the port.


Hope this helps,




G'Day Norbert

I think you are right and if you are hen an air raid is also legal if coming straight in from a sea zone.


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The game mechanics of airstrikes and groundassaults are very different... That is probably the reason why it does not work for airstrikes...


If the same air-rules apply for groundassaults, then you can never assault a portcity with marines directly...



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The game mechanics of airstrikes and groundassaults are very different... That is probably the reason why it does not work for airstrikes...


If the same air-rules apply for groundassaults, then you can never assault a portcity with marines directly...




Hi Norbert

Come to think of it.

When I did an air strike on an enemy of mine in a port city.

The provence was controled by a Total ally so the rule wouldn't have applied.

I'd like to test that theory.

How about you take xcalais and I'll see if I can do an air strike into the city.

How else can we test it?


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