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Trade pact? Non-Agression Pact? War?


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In the "Rules of Engagement" section of the 2.50 rulebook, I found a table that lists options from "Papa" to "Zulu". The default is "ROMEO" which states: "Attack any declared enemy. This is a default setting". This got me to wonder what a "declared enemy" was.


Looking at several of the other ROE options, I see the terms like "declared enemy", "cease fire agreement", "trade pact", "non-aggression pact", and "military agreement". However, those terms seem to only come into play with regards to non-player races in the diplomacy section (through DIP orders).


So, now I'm confused… Since my ships will eventually encounter other player's ships (do NPC setups even possess starships???), how do my ships determine whether another player is a declared enemy, or part of a trade pact or non-aggression pact? What orders would I issue in order to modify the status between my setup and another player?



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You need to look at the PAP Order wherein you can declare your Empire's intent towards another [PC] Empire. The list ranges from Total Ally to Enemy of the State [Declare War]. Unless you choose to use the PAP Order all [PC] Empires are considered Neutral by your government.


In Victory! the PAP Order was bilateral, both sides had to agree to any benevolent status change (e.g. Ally), where in SN:ROTE it is unilateral. Issue the order and Presto! instant Non-Aggression Pact (or whatever) with any Empire you know the Empire number of. I find this to be a bit odd but since all it effects is the ROE response, I guess it isn't a major problem. Unless - and I have heard no reports that this has ever happened - one side Declares War, the other has declared Alliance and when the shooting starts the Empire that declared Alliance just sits there and gets pounded. That's the biggest potential 'glitch' I see at the moment.


Side Note: In Victory! various alliance levels allow for different levels of resource and information sharing, which is not something that is in play in SN:ROTE.


-SK :ninja:

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The only thing that PAP's are for is how your fleets react towards somebody else. That's it. Even with PAP's in place it is also possible to open up on a total ally with an ROE of R on both sides. Go figure...


I thought the PAP was by Empire, not by Fleet. If so I am wondering how two Total Allies can open up on each other with a ROE of R.

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The only thing that PAP's are for is how your fleets react towards somebody else. That's it. Even with PAP's in place it is also possible to open up on a total ally with an ROE of R on both sides. Go figure...


I thought the PAP was by Empire, not by Fleet. If so I am wondering how two Total Allies can open up on each other with a ROE of R.


The thing is that PAPs are between Empires and thought to affect such things as GATKs and so on. Your ROE settings are supposedly something that can be used to circumvent an alliance setting for for example fleet battles of an exploratory nature to learn combat. There have been some problems with ROE settings though where they don't seem to have aligned with the PAP setting so that TAs shoot each other up and so on.


There have also been problems with fleets on convoy routes totally ignoring encountered fleets ROE and thus attacking fleets with ROE set to destroy enemy fleets watch the convoy fleets run by them, this is hopefully fixed by now.


Last turn me and my ally tried conducting fleet maneuvers by having two fleets on Zulu engaging each others (Zulu=If it moves kill it, if it doesn't kill it to be sure) but since we were both still TA Pete assumed we didn't want to kill each other since we were TAs and all over each others worlds. and yanked the combat ie so no go but Pete apologised for the mistake.


So if you are planning on conducting naval maneuvers send Pete a mail about it first since all potential combats are handchecked by Pete and he could make a mistake in believing you didn't want that combat cause you'd slipped up so make sure he knows...this also goes for if you want to attack your Total Ally :ninja:





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