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Seeking to speak with the Ghor Ja'haan

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Sha'thar composes herself with a deep breath.


To the leaders of the Gjor'haan.


These past seasons the Gosht Kohr have been content to raise our cubs and expand our hunting territory to non-contested worlds.


We've known of you for some time. We've known of your conflicts with other races in our shared sector of space. We have chosen not to involve ourselves.


Recently, Seeker Group D of the Gjor'haan impinged on a warp pointed monitored by a picket fleet of the Gosht Kohr and destroyed it utterly. Information gathered by the 2008th Hunting Pride prior to its destruction leads us to think that your ship had orders to destroy any ship encountered, friend or foe (RoE: Z).


We... doubt this was an accident, but wait to hear from you. You've had ships in this section of Gosht Kohr space before.


Please... communicate with us. We do not wish war. We -will- defend ourselves. The spirits of our slain sisters must be set free either through greater understanding between our races, or through war. The choice is yours.

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Ach...anyone sending out ships outside ones inner core on Zulu orders are looking to stir up trouble so just blow up ten of his ships for every one of yours he destroys, that will maintain the balance so to speak :jawdrop:





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I, Gjor'haan, called as a disciple of Gjo'jaol, Darkness of Darkness, and Shor'ha, his servant; to Sha'thar the Huntress, to those that have been sanctified in Darkness, disciples by calling, with all who in every place call upon Gjo'jaol for strength, present this divine order:


Behind closed eyes, stars emerged, Nikandr the third. The ships come forth to our worlds, like motes. Our ships await with open jaws, eager to consume. The Cauldron prepared, cubs or no.


We make but one offer of peace: swear to Gjo'jaol and receive his divine authority.


If you stand near those who pursue us, or against Gjo'jaol, we have no choice but to usurp tranquil glades.


Our standing orders need no explanation, but for kittens, I will explain. The road is to be made clear for Gjor'haan. Those who fail to allow passage or stumble upon our ships clearly lack the Gift. There are others more foolish still, who resist our advances and challenge our fleets.


Seek their dead for advice, or join them in ignorance.

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:beer: talk is cheep...actions speak more than words ever will...



Ach...anyone sending out ships outside ones inner core on Zulu orders are looking to stir up trouble so just blow up ten of his ships for every one of yours he destroys, that will maintain the balance so to speak :)





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talk is cheep...actions speak more than words ever will...


So... You're suggesting he should blow up 100 ships?


I can relate to that. If anybody enters into my interior systems with a Zulu setting they should be prepared for a good fight for the defense of their home world.


Off course, there is the chance that the Gosht Kohr fleet actually had the Zulu setting. Who's to say? The message indicates that it wasn't out to destroy everything alien coming through the wormhole, but these kinds of "accidents" have been known to happen. Perhaps the commander was a Xenophobe?


Maybe an ensign on the Gosht Kohr fleet lost his nerves and pulled the trigger despite of any combat settings (racial ability?) Maybe a malfunctioning missile system on the Gjor'haan fleet fired without anybody really pulling the trigger (targeting scanners/bridge computers operated by a race with slow intelligence?)


Again: Who's to say? Anybody cares to elaborate?



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Sha'thar points a paw at the Gjorhaan posting.  "I'm trying not to read anything into it, but they seem to be saying 'you're either for us or against us.'  A neutral position doen't seem to be one of the choices.   :beer:


Well, it certainly doesn't seem like much of an olive branch...


Unless they plan to try to use the olive branch as a weapon. :beer:

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I, Gjor'haan, called as a disciple of Gjo'jaol, Darkness of Darkness, and Shor'ha, his servant; to Sha'thar the Huntress, to those that have been sanctified in Darkness, disciples by calling, with all who in every place call upon Gjo'jaol for strength, present this divine order:


Behind closed eyes, stars emerged, Nikandr the third.  The ships come forth to our worlds, like motes.   Our ships await with open jaws, eager to consume.   The Cauldron prepared, cubs or no.


We make but one offer of peace:  swear to Gjo'jaol and receive his divine authority.


If you stand near those who pursue us, or against Gjo'jaol, we have no choice but to usurp tranquil glades.  


Our standing orders need no explanation, but for kittens, I will explain.  The road is to be made clear for Gjor'haan.   Those who fail to allow passage or stumble upon our ships clearly lack the Gift.   There are others more foolish still, who resist our advances and challenge our fleets.  


Seek their dead for advice, or join them in ignorance.


No, it's not a "Submit or Die". The message is more we'll do what we dang well what we please, but you can submit if you wish to. If the message had something about the road for George leads through your homeworld or other such nonsense, then the "die" part would be clear. But it's more we are going where we want and if you happen to get in the way, or try to get in the way, POW!


Come to think of it, the message is pretty insulting. There is an implied "you are insignificant or worthless in the eyes of George" in that there was no threat of you must submit to his authority. The offer was you can submit, but it's not required, as you are so puny to us as we will do what we want when we want, so your services to George are not really required anyway. Definately fighting words.

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Is your use of "Geroge" an attempt to insult Gjorhaan's god, or an attempt to sneak in a political comment?


Hadn't thought of the political aspect. I hated having to spell out that absurd name. And then I remembered the Bugs Bunny cartoons. You know the ones, where the stupid creature grabs something (like Daffy in a bunny custom) and drones on about "A bunny! I will name him George. And I will hug him and feed him and bathe him and pet him and spank him when he's naughty and ....". That seemed to fit this God and Race pretty well in my mind. :beer:

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Ok, now that's funny.  Personally, I like his creativity.  Of course if I ever find myself on the receiving end of one his posts I'll have to find something witty in response.




Ease up, noone was comparing you to anyone named George.



Quite right ... more like Snagglepuss than George.


Oh, and you are right, the Georgists (whatever their race name is) are very creative in their writing. At least, I hope it's creative writing, and not the sign of something more ominous.... :beer:

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