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Mental powers?


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Are the various mental powers worth their cost?


What is the Research-wise benefit of the Mental powers?

Do you get special research items for having mental powers?

are they worth it or is it a long way to develop mental powers?


Or do the mental powers primarily affect "legendary" characters?


thanks for your time



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From what I have seen the only items you get to research for having mental powers are MDD's. Mental powers seem to really make a difference when it comes to explore orders as you get much more success with them. Whether they are worth their cost is hard to say since everybody puts different value on things, however I think mine are worth the cost. :lol:

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Are mental powers worth their cost? Like Hobknob said, depends on your value system whether they are worth it or not. According to Pete, much brain power has gone into the point costs of all of the racial options, so everything that costs points gives you an advantage somewhere.


Mental Powers to date give you --

1. Access to psionic weapons of mass destruction (MDD - mass destruction device).

2. Access to higher generation psionic research (e.g. 3rd Generation Telepathics), based on the level of the mental power that you have taken.

3. Better odds at finding stuff using the (X)EXPL Order. B)

4. Better odds at getting what you desire using the DIP Order. :D

5. A Combat edge against non-psionic races. Of course, there are three points to note concerning this bonus feature. [1] Each Mental Power is its own category for combat purposes. [2] The combat bonus goes to whichever side has the higher level Mental Power. If you only have Level 4 Telekinetics and your opponent only has Level 1 ESP, you get the bonus for having the higher Telekinetics (4 v. 0) and your opponent gets the bonus for having the higher ESP level (0 v. 1). [3] There are Psionic Defenses available, which also mitigate the effect of Mental Powers in combat. NOTE: You can have both Mental Powers and Psionic Defenses. :blink:


Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would hope that there are more techs for mental races, that having all mental powers give an edge in for example DIP orders et such. In general I would like to see the Mental Powers explained as the other racial modifiers in the build section.



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Well shadow...we feel much safer with the laws of the universe documented so we can at least sue the Gods when we get screwed by physics :D


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Buying Level 1 mental powers seem worth it due to the potential tech lines that open up. And then you can research your way to 2, 3, 4, and more??? Anyway, the base level in each for 150 points might be a "good buy", IF you intend to use those skills and that branch of science.


Buying level 2, 3, or 4 ... unknown. You can research to get to those levels .. and maybe the cost of doing the research is less then the spent points. So you might save some points in exchange lost time to do the research and get to the next level of power. My guess is the saved time is not worth it in the long run.

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I started out with 1st Gen Telepath (to give me a diplomatic edge, I figured). On turn 1, I started researching 2nd Gen Telepathy. It's now been 22 turns with 1RC, and I'm still working on it. Yeah, it takes a while! :)


(And i have some decent research bonuses, too. Not maxed, but close).

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