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OT: Excel spread sheet question

Lord Uriel

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Alright, sorry to bother you gentlmen with this, but I hope somone here can help me.


I've been using Phasedragon's spread sheets for a while with some success.

Through practise and research I *think* I can make my own.

However, I want to try and recreate something similiar to his Ship Design sheet.

On the "Design" worksheet in column "G" or "item name" he has what looks and acts like a list for each component you could put on a ship.

I just want to know how to recreate this. I know how to make a "list" but I can't seem to make one like his.


Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?




A grateful and reformed technophobe,


Lord Uriel

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I don't use Phasedragons sheet myself and since he has left the game you are likely stuck with what you have. However, I have generated several spreadsheets and may be able to help you out. Send me Phasedragons Excel sheet that you want to duplicate/copy/modify and I will see what I can do.



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I don't use Phasedragons sheet myself and since he has left the game you are likely stuck with what you have.  However, I have generated several spreadsheets and may be able to help you out.  Send me Phasedragons Excel sheet that you want to duplicate/copy/modify and I will see what I can do.


:ninja:  :nuke:



Would you mind sharing the spreadsheets you are using? I'm somewhat of an Excel junkie and have a set of sheets I’ve developed by building on what I have found out there so far. Also I’m a visual person and have been incorporating some Visio drawings for warp links and fleet locations. I would love to take a look at what a veteran player uses.


Thank you B):woohoo:

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You can open help in Excel and search for this:

"Enter data in a cell from a list you specify"

This will explain how to create a pull down list from a list of values you specify and seems to be exactly what you are looking for.





You sir, rock!

I'll check this out later today (after the yard work)




Lord Uriel

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